Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

James Chesley Gann1820

James Chesley Gann
Given names
James Chesley
Birth about 1820 20 22
Birth of a brotherBethel Gann
about 1820
Birth of a brotherJohn (Jack) Gann
December 29, 1821 (Age 23 months)
Birth of a sisterEliza Jane Gann
about 1822 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherSamuel Thomas (Tommy) Gann
June 19, 1824 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherWalker Gann
April 25, 1827 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherNathaniel Gann
December 12, 1829 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha Ann Gann
1833 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a sisterHenrietta Gann
April 5, 1836 (Age 16 years)
MarriageMary MartinView this family
January 16, 1843 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Tabitha Gann
July 8, 1849 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn Gann
about 1855 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Alice Martin Gann
October 28, 1857 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Jefferson (TJ) Gann
1859 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mattie Gann
June 28, 1865 (Age 45 years)
Death of a brotherBethel Gann
about 1865 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childJoshua Adam AmosTabitha GannView this family
November 8, 1866 (Age 46 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Ann Gann
about 1870 (Age 50 years)
Death of a motherMartha (Patsy) Barnes
about 1870 (Age 50 years)
Marriage of a childJames Monroe VernonAlice Martin GannView this family
October 25, 1877 (Age 57 years)

Death of a fatherSamuel Gann
about 1885 (Age 65 years)
Marriage of a childThomas Jefferson (TJ) GannNancy Carolina FoyView this family
June 16, 1889 (Age 69 years)
Marriage of a childJohn F. AndrewsMattie GannView this family
May 19, 1895 (Age 75 years)

Death of a sisterEliza Jane Gann
about 1900 (Age 80 years)
Death of a brotherJohn (Jack) Gann
July 28, 1901 (Age 81 years)
Death of a daughterAlice Martin Gann
September 4, 1901 (Age 81 years)
Death of a brotherNathaniel Gann
April 26, 1912 (Age 92 years)
Death of a brotherSamuel Thomas (Tommy) Gann
March 25, 1914 (Age 94 years)
Death of a brotherWalker Gann
May 23, 1914 (Age 94 years)
Death of a daughterTabitha Gann
January 21, 1915 (Age 95 years)
Death of a sisterHenrietta Gann
January 8, 1928 (Age 108 years)
Death of a sonThomas Jefferson (TJ) Gann
1936 (Age 116 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1819Rockingham Co, NC
2 years
1 year
twin brother
2 years
younger brother
1 year
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
Family with Mary Martin - View this family
Marriage: January 16, 1843NC
7 years
8 years
2 years
7 years


From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC.