Tabitha GannAge: 65 years1849–1915
- Name
- Tabitha Gann
- Given names
- Tabitha
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
James Chesley Gann Birth: about 1820 20 22 — Rockingham Co, NC Death: NC |
mother | |
Marriage: January 16, 1843 — NC |
7 years herself |
Tabitha Gann Birth: July 8, 1849 29 — Stokes Co, NC Death: January 21, 1915 — Stokes Co, NC |
8 years younger sister |
Alice Martin Gann Birth: October 28, 1857 37 — Stokes Co, NC Death: September 4, 1901 — Stokes Co, NC |
2 years younger brother |
Thomas Jefferson (TJ) Gann Birth: 1859 39 — NC Death: 1936 — NC |
7 years younger sister |
Mattie Gann Birth: June 28, 1865 45 — Stokes Co, NC Death: August 22, 1950 |
Family with Joshua Adam Amos |
husband |
Joshua Adam Amos Birth: September 15, 1846 — Stokes Co, NC Death: February 18, 1912 — Stokes Co, NC |
herself |
Tabitha Gann Birth: July 8, 1849 29 — Stokes Co, NC Death: January 21, 1915 — Stokes Co, NC |
Marriage: November 8, 1866 — Stokes Co, NC |
20 months daughter |
Laura Hetty Bell Amos Birth: July 4, 1868 21 18 Death: |
23 months daughter |
Mary Susan Amos Birth: June 16, 1870 23 20 — Stokes Co, NC Death: April 28, 1948 |
3 years daughter |
Harriet L. Amos Birth: February 3, 1873 26 23 Death: January 5, 1896 |
1 year son |
Larkin Alonzo Amos Birth: February 18, 1874 27 24 Death: February 24, 1937 |
2 years son |
James Calvin Amos Birth: April 23, 1876 29 26 Death: |
2 years son |
Joshua Jefferson Amos Birth: May 4, 1878 31 28 Death: |
2 years son |
Jason Franklin Amos Birth: August 23, 1880 33 31 Death: |
8 months son |
Charles Hardin Amos Birth: April 15, 1881 34 31 Death: |
14 months daughter |
Eliza Dell Amos Birth: June 27, 1882 35 32 Death: |
4 years daughter |
Bessie Mae Amos Birth: March 3, 1886 39 36 Death: |
2 years daughter |
Carrie Lee Amos Birth: March 30, 1888 41 38 Death: May 15, 1940 |
4 years son |
Jesse Polk Amos Birth: June 7, 1892 45 42 Death: |
Note | From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC. |