Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Samuel Gann1762

Samuel Gann
Given names
Birth of a son
Adam Gann
Birth of a son
Nathan Gann
about 1729
Birth of a son
Clement Gann
before 1733
Birth of a son
John Gann
before 1733

Birth of a son
Nathaniel Gann
between 1734 and 1739

Birth of a son
William Gann

Birth of a son
Samuel Gann
Birth of a son
Daniel Gann

Marriage of a childNathan GannView this family
about 1750

Marriage of a childAdam GannJane View this family
Death before 1762
Family with Elizabeth - View this family
3 years
5 years
1 year
16 years
-8 years
9 years
9 years


From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC.

Clement Gann--Mjr. Thomas Brookes transported Clement Gann to St. Mary's Co., MD in 1660. Entry in MD Archive records for year 1666 shows Brookes "demanding" land for transporting Gann and several other servants. No record of Clement Gann filing for his headright. In fact, no other record for Clement Gann. Period 1700-1710, several records of a John Gann in St. Mary's Co., MD, who may have been Clement's son. John Gann witnessed will of Solomon Jones in St. Mary's in 1710. John Gann apparently died abt. 1716. Gann family next shows up in Frederick Co., VA, abt. 1748 with members named Clement and John. Any help, suggestions, ideas welcome. Did the Brookes family leave records that might have included the names of the workers on their plantations?

In 1752, Samuel was charged with slander. This charge was brought by John Morgan in Frederick Co, VA in Sept 1752. Though court records indicate that several attempts were made to bring Samuel to court to answer this charge, they were unable to do so. In 1753, the warrant was filed away with the notation "Decd" written by the name "Gann" followed by the entry, "Aug dismsd not Ex." While it is not certain, it looks as if this Samuel died some time before Aug 1753, causing the charge to be "dismissed, not executed."

In the early 1760s, a final Frederick Co, VA record shows that Samuel Gann, with heirs, had died shortly after he was driven from his land by the Indians. No death date is given.

20 May 1762 Court records of letter from Thomas Rutherford to Thomas Bryan Martin, agent of Lord Fairfax: "...Samuel Gann made an improvement on the land and made an entry for it in the time Col. Fairfax kept the office but being drove from the land by the Indians, and soon after deceased, preventing a warrant issuing or a survey being made for him or his heirs..." 22 Mar 1764 Sworn statement from Widow Elizabeth Gan that she had sold to Andrew Longacre of Frederick Co., VA, a certain tract of land lying under the North Mountain on the drains of Cedar Creek, joining the property of John Blair. Wit: Adam Gan, Joseph Longacre.

From William Gann in 2016:

For the past four years, Gary and I have been seeking out and listing Gann men in Washington County, TN tax lists.  By assembling data spanning a period of years, and gathering as complete a pool of data as possible from several sources, we have gained value from this information.  Examining it in light of the laws regulating taxation in Tennessee at the time, we have learned even more.  Applying the legal information to the lists we compiled, we have been able to tweak the data to make it yield more of the secrets it previously held.   For example, to date, this project has sorted and identified at least five "new" Gann men in Washington County.  Perhaps even more valuable, we have been able to distinguish occurrences of two men of the same name.  Also through this process, we have been able to determine birth year ranges from the polls.  If a man was 50+, by law he no longer had to pay the white poll tax, hence we could then figure his birth year.  Knowing the age at which a man was first required to pay a poll tax also yielded calculated birth years for other individuals.  These dates are reflected in some of the names listed below.  Also from comparisons and from known men at the time, we were able to pinpoint sons o folder Gann men mainly by age and location at that time, previously/heretofore unconnected by researchers. Consequently have added new children for Samuel and Elizabeth, Jan 2016: Nathaniel, William Gann Sr, Daniel and Charles as sons.