Cecil Howard WaldenAge: 59 years1900–1959
- Name
- Cecil Howard Walden
- Given names
- Cecil Howard
- Surname
- Walden
![]() | June 19, 1900 |
![]() | Susan (Susie) Gann — View this family April 19, 1920 (Age 19 years) |
![]() | June 21, 1959 (Age 59 years) |
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Family with Susan (Susie) Gann |
himself |
Cecil Howard Walden Birth: June 19, 1900 — West, McLennan Co, TX Death: June 21, 1959 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
wife |
Susan (Susie) Gann Birth: May 9, 1901 42 38 — Direct, Lamar Co, TX Death: March 11, 1986 — Madill, Marshall Co, OK |
Marriage: April 19, 1920 — Atoka Co, OK |
George Washington (Bud) Hall + Susan (Susie) Gann |
wife’s husband |
George Washington (Bud) Hall Birth: February 3, 1895 — Ravia, Indian Territory, OK Death: March 24, 1978 — Durant, Bryan Co, OK |
wife |
Susan (Susie) Gann Birth: May 9, 1901 42 38 — Direct, Lamar Co, TX Death: March 11, 1986 — Madill, Marshall Co, OK |
Marriage: July 5, 1917 — Atoka Co, OK |
Divorce: — |
Note | From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96. Cecil Howard was the natural son of Howard Walden and Beulah Lee Williams. Parents never married. He was the step-son of Jacob Skiles. Copy of marriage record from Atoka Co.in possession of Theola Walden Baker. Residence given as Caney, Atoka Co. Age stated as 21 (Note: Was actually 2 months shy of 20th birthday). Names C.H. Walden and C.H. Skiles appear on application for marriage license. See Marriage2 note for Susie Gann for other information. Occupation of Howard Walden: Farmer, homestead- home and farm, 280 acres, west of Caney, OK. Died of sudden heart attack on Father's Day, 1959. According to daughter Mary Alice Walden Hewitt, she was on her way out to the outhouse, passed her parents' bedroom, saw her father dressed and sitting on the side of the bed, and wished him a happy Father's Day to which he replied, "Thank you, baby." She then went out the back door and was walking across the yard when she stopped suddenly for no apparent reason, turned around, and went back into the house. She saw him slumped over on the bed where he had been sitting less than a minute or two earlier. She ran into the bedroom and screamed for her mother who was in another part of the house, but it was too late--Cecil was alreadY dead. Atoka newspaper obituary in possession of Mary Alice Walden Hewitt. |