Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

George Thomas (Tom) GannAge: 85 years18871972

George Thomas (Tom) Gann
Given names
George Thomas (Tom)
Birth October 19, 1887 28 24
Death of a paternal grandmotherJane Susannah Lafollett
December 3, 1887 (Age 45 days)
Birth of a brotherinfant Gann
November 6, 1889 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherEligah Gann
December 29, 1890 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherElisha Gann
December 29, 1890 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a siblinginfant twin Gann
November 4, 1891 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a siblinginfant twin Gann
November 4, 1891 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha Gann
May 4, 1893 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a sisterLaura Jane Gann
September 12, 1895 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Andrew Gann
November 14, 1897 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterSusan (Susie) Gann
May 9, 1901 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a brotherRoy Gann
July 13, 1903 (Age 15 years)

Death of a motherMary Frances Dooly
December 12, 1903 (Age 16 years)
Death of a brotherRoy Gann
July 11, 1904 (Age 16 years)

Marriage of a parentMarion Francis (Frank) GannPeggy WallisView this family
January 23, 1906 (Age 18 years)
MarriageFannie Melvina BaileyView this family
November 15, 1912 (Age 25 years)
Death of a brotherAlfred Jefferson (Jeff) Gann
March 17, 1915 (Age 27 years)
Death of a sisterDicie Gann
February 27, 1916 (Age 28 years)
Death of a fatherMarion Francis (Frank) Gann
June 24, 1935 (Age 47 years)
Death of a sisterLaura Jane Gann
July 4, 1935 (Age 47 years)

Death of a sisterMary Elisabeth (Molly) Gann
December 29, 1955 (Age 68 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Gann
May 5, 1972 (Age 84 years)

Death October 20, 1972 (Age 85 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 26, 1881Denton Co, TX
9 months
elder sister
18 months
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
23 months
2 years
younger brother
14 months
younger brother
younger brother
10 months
younger sibling
younger sibling
18 months
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Peggy Wallis - View this family
Marriage: January 23, 1906Wapanucka, Indian Terr.
Family with Fannie Melvina Bailey - View this family
Marriage: November 15, 1912Caddo, Bryan Co, OK


From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96.

Marriage performed by Judge John Boland. See notes for wife Fannie M. Bailey Gann.

Record of Elva Joy Gann Walker, daughter.

Census: 1900 Fannin Co. TX, Precinct #5; E.D. 74, Sheet 9; enumerated with parents. (Note: Birthdate recorded wrong as May 1888. It is presumed that sister Dicie gave the information as hers is the only birthdate that is correct.) 1920 Atoka Co. OK, Caney Twp, E.D. 3, Sheet 12; head of household. (Note: name recorded wrong as Thomas G. Gann.)

Occupation: Farmer.

Raised 3 orphaned children of brother Alfred Jefferson Gann after their mother Donie died in flu epidemic of 1918. See note for wife. Children shown on 1920 census with family.