Martha GannAge: 79 years1893–1972
- Name
- Martha Gann
- Given names
- Martha
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
mother |
Mary Frances Dooly Birth: April 11, 1863 — Dallas or Greene Co, MO Death: December 12, 1903 — Wapanucka, Indian Territory, OK |
Marriage: June 26, 1881 — Denton Co, TX |
9 months elder sister |
Dicie Gann Birth: March 29, 1882 23 18 — TX Death: February 27, 1916 — Wynnewood, Garvin Co, OK |
18 months elder brother |
Alfred Jefferson (Jeff) Gann Birth: September 15, 1883 24 20 — Honey Grove, Fannin Co, TX Death: March 17, 1915 — OK |
2 years elder sister |
Mary Elisabeth (Molly) Gann Birth: November 12, 1885 26 22 — TX Death: December 29, 1955 — OK |
23 months elder brother |
George Thomas (Tom) Gann Birth: October 19, 1887 28 24 — TX Death: October 20, 1972 — OK |
2 years elder brother |
infant Gann Birth: November 6, 1889 30 26 — TX Death: TX |
14 months elder brother |
Eligah Gann Birth: December 29, 1890 31 27 — TX Death: TX |
elder brother |
Elisha Gann Birth: December 29, 1890 31 27 — TX Death: TX |
10 months elder sibling |
infant twin Gann Birth: November 4, 1891 32 28 — TX Death: TX |
elder sibling |
infant twin Gann Birth: November 4, 1891 32 28 — TX Death: TX |
18 months herself |
Martha Gann Birth: May 4, 1893 34 30 — TX Death: May 5, 1972 |
2 years younger sister |
Laura Jane Gann Birth: September 12, 1895 36 32 — TX Death: July 4, 1935 |
2 years younger brother |
William Andrew Gann Birth: November 14, 1897 38 34 — TX Death: December 6, 1986 — OK |
4 years younger sister |
Susan (Susie) Gann Birth: May 9, 1901 42 38 — Direct, Lamar Co, TX Death: March 11, 1986 — Madill, Marshall Co, OK |
2 years younger brother |
Roy Gann Birth: July 13, 1903 44 40 Death: July 11, 1904 |
Father’s family with Peggy Wallis |
father |
Marion Francis (Frank) Gann Birth: March 10, 1859 40 40 — Greenwood, Sebastian Co, AR Death: June 24, 1935 — Caney, Atoka Co, OK |
step-mother |
Peggy Wallis Birth: 1854 Death: |
Marriage: January 23, 1906 — Wapanucka, Indian Terr. |
Family with Zachariah Bailey |
husband |
Zachariah Bailey Birth: July 7, 1871 — AR Death: October 7, 1925 — OK |
herself |
Martha Gann Birth: May 4, 1893 34 30 — TX Death: May 5, 1972 |
Marriage: April 3, 1909 — |
Family with Private |
husband |
Private |
herself |
Martha Gann Birth: May 4, 1893 34 30 — TX Death: May 5, 1972 |
Note | From Theola Baker, 164 Rube's Rd, Rose Bud, AR 72137 (501) 556-5443 6/8/96. No children born to union of Martha Gann and Zack Bailey. The Bailey and Bennett children are offspring of Martha Gann and Elbert Bennett, the husband of her sister Laura Jane Gann. Eugene Bailey, son of Martha Gann, told Elva Joy Gann Walker there were 7 children in all in the family, 4 are said to be children of George Jones. |