Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Henry B. GannAge: 45 years18981943

Henry B. Gann
Given names
Henry B.
Birth July 6, 1898 45 30
Death of a paternal grandmotherJemima Permelia Serepta Cadell
1899 (Age 5 months)
Birth of a sisterNora Frances Gann
July 9, 1902 (Age 4 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherNicholas Brylas Gann
1914 (Age 15 years)
Death of a brotherFloyd Willie Gann
November 5, 1916 (Age 18 years)
Death of a fatherNathan Ellis Gann
February 10, 1922 (Age 23 years)
Death of a brotherClaude Oren Gann
March 10, 1940 (Age 41 years)
Death November 23, 1943 (Age 45 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: April 19, 1885Pineville, McDonald Co, MO
2 years
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
Claude Oren Gann
Birth: August 18, 1889 36 21McDonald Co, MO
Death: March 10, 1940Delaware Co, OK
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
4 years
4 years
younger sister
Family with Private - View this family


From Betty Gann Brown, Box 3374, North Shore, CA 92254.

Listed on the 1920 Federal Census, Delaware Co., Ok., Indianola Pricinct #28, Township 4, Household #42 Family #42 with the family of his father, Nathan E. Gann, is widowed and a farm laborer. In 1927 Henry bought ten acres of land from his brother Fletcher, joining his mother's land on the west. On this ten acres Henry built a house and there the four youngest children were born. The family lived there until 1940 when they moved to the home of his mother-in-law, Stella Rockwood. Henry had a heart condition most of his life.