William David CrouchAge: 68 years1864–1933
- Name
- William David Crouch
- Given names
- William David
- Surname
- Crouch
Family with Catherine Millie Looney |
himself |
William David Crouch Birth: November 11, 1864 — Shelbyville, Shelby Co, IL Death: January 22, 1933 — Peach Orchard, Clay Co, AR |
wife |
Catherine Millie Looney Birth: December 11, 1869 29 25 — Hamilton Co, IL Death: April 28, 1923 — Peach Orchard, Clay Co, AR |
Marriage: November 9, 1890 — Bollinger Co, MO |
10 months son |
Robert Luther (Luke) Crouch Birth: September 2, 1891 26 21 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: December 23, 1969 — Hollywood, Dunklin Co, MO |
18 months daughter |
Bertha Mae Crouch Birth: February 28, 1893 28 23 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: |
23 months daughter |
Leola Crouch Birth: January 1895 30 25 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: |
3 years daughter |
Ada B. Crouch Birth: February 1898 33 28 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: 1918 — Paragould, Greene Co, AR |
21 months daughter |
Iva Ellen Crouch Birth: November 11, 1899 35 29 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: April 23, 1988 — Ocala, Marion Co, FL |
2 years son |
John David Crouch Birth: January 28, 1902 37 32 — Bollinger Co, MO Death: July 1, 1975 — Peach Orchard, Clay Co, AR |
3 years son |
William Henry Crouch Birth: July 23, 1904 39 34 — Zalma, Bollinger Co, MO Death: April 5, 1982 — Benton Harbor, Berrien Co, MI |
3 years daughter |
Millie Catherine Crouch Birth: April 25, 1907 42 37 — AR Death: July 1986 — Pocahantas, Randolph Co, AR |
2 years son |
Adolph Crouch Birth: July 24, 1909 44 39 — AR Death: September 15, 1993 — Pocahantas, Randolph Co, AR |
Note | 1900 Bollinger Co. MO Census; 1910 Greene Co. AR Census. William spent many years clearing timber in Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas for the railroads. In early 1900s he and Catherine and children were in Rector, AR area where William ran a sawmill and Catherine a boarding house. In the late 20s during a job clearing timber, William set a dynamite charge that didn't go off. He approached the dynamite just as it went off, the ensuing explosion killed his brother-in-law Loren Whitworth. William was near death but regained partial health and was active until his death in 1933. |