Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Mary Ann WelchAge: 100 years18331934

Mary Ann Welch
Given names
Mary Ann
Birth June 15, 1833
MarriageSmith William GannView this family
December 18, 1865 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
John Thomas Gann
January 6, 1867 (Age 33 years)
Birth of a son
William Jesse Gann
January 13, 1869 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a son
James H. Gann
July 5, 1872 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a son
George Henry Gann
February 7, 1874 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a son
Elam Nathaniel Gann
July 5, 1876 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a daughter
Rachel Elizabeth Gann
February 6, 1879 (Age 45 years)
Death of a husbandSmith William Gann
May 24, 1879 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Thomas GannElizabeth B. BentonView this family
August 30, 1894 (Age 61 years)
Marriage of a childGeorge Henry GannTheodosia SizemoreView this family
1896 (Age 62 years)
Death March 11, 1934 (Age 100 years)
Family with Smith William Gann - View this family
Marriage: December 18, 1865Marion Co, AL
13 months
2 years
4 years
19 months
2 years
3 years
Smith William Gann + Winnie Ford - View this family
husband’s wife


National Archives Pension file Mary A. Miller No. 276963: Deposition of Mary A. Miller 4 Feb 1932 at Guin, Marion Co, AL--"My age is 98 years, and I was born June 15th but I don't know the year. I was born in Georgia, but don't know what County. I was told that I was three weeks old when my parents moved from Ga. to Fayette Co. Ala. Occupation none. Postoffice address, Guin, Ala. I am living with my son, John Thomas Gann, my oldest son, and his wife. I came from Fayette co. Ala. to this place. Yes, I know this is Marion Co. Ala., and my son J. T. Gann was born here, and I have been here ever since his birth...(This deponent is an extremely aged woman, and is very feeble. However, she has shown considerable willingness to co-operate with the Field Examiner, and it is believed that she has testified to the best of her ability, CRR.FE.)..." United States Veterans Administration, Birmingham, Ala., to The Director of Pensions, Washington, D.C. dated 8 Feb. 1932. "Remarks. This claimant contends that she is 98 years of age, and according to her general appearances there is hardly any reason to doubt her word. While rather hard of hearing and unable to talk very plainly, she seemed to make every effort to co-operate during the initial examination, and the Field Examiner was very much surprised to get her statement at all when first questioned, and her speech was so impaired that I could hardly understand her. It is believed that the abandonment of the earlier claim was the result of the ignorance of the claimant and her children. In the event this claim is allowed it will be necessary to have a guardian appointed, as claimant is physically and mentally incapable of taking care of her own financial affairs. She did not know the difference between a one dollar and twenty dollar bill...Claimant is living with her son, John Thomas Gann, and his wife Elizabeth Gann. Their home is modest and seems comfortable..."

2 March 1932, State of Alabama, Marion County, Probate Court. Letters of Guardianship over the estate of Mrs. Mary A. Miller, a person of unsound mind, of the age of 99 years, are hereby granted to D. C. Holloway who has duly qualified and given bond as required by law...signed by W. H. Cantrell, Judge of Probate.

May 10, 1932--Veterans Administration Memorandum of Payment--"Payment of $5,733.17 was made to the above legal representative on May 10, 1932 on account of an original award of pension dated April 8, 1932. $20 per month commencing Nov 22 1916; $25 per month commencing Oct 6 1917; $30 per month commencing May 1, 1920; $40 per month commencing June 4 1928 to April 4 1932.

This accrued pension money was paid to Mary just 1 month before her 99th birthday. Mary died 22 months later at age of 100 years, 8 months, 24 days.