Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Itris Marie AndersonAge: 69 years19271997

Itris Marie Anderson
Given names
Itris Marie
Birth September 25, 1927
Death of a husbandJames Henry (Poss) Gann
April 23, 1991 (Age 63 years)

Death July 7, 1997 (Age 69 years)
Family with James Henry (Poss) Gann - View this family


Obituary - Graveside services for Itris M. Gann, 69, of Salina will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Bryan Chapel Cemetery in Boatman. Rev. John Scott will officiate with services under the direction of Stephens Memorial Chapel of Pryor. She was born Sept. 25, 1927 in Baron, Okla. She died July 8, 1997 in Pyror. She had lived most of her life in Salina. She married James Henry "Poss" Gann on June 24, 1941 in Pryor. She was a homemaker. Survivors include three sons, John and Adella Gann, Charles and Carolyn Gann and Garry and Edith Gann all of Salina; her mother, Susan Anderson of Salina; seven grandchildren; 21 great-grand children; one brother, Tom Anderson of Colcord; three sisters, Eunice Denny of Jay, Mattie Ward of Salina and Eula King of Locust Grove. She was preceded in death by her husband April 1991; her father, Albert Leslie Anderson; and one sister, Gladys Wilkerson.