Asberry (Berry) GannAge: 73 years1832–1906
- Name
- Asberry (Berry) Gann
- Given names
- Asberry (Berry)
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Robert (Robin) Gann Birth: March 1815 29 26 — Clark Co, GA Death: May 11, 1900 — Paulding Co, GA |
mother |
Juliann Gann Birth: January 21, 1818 25 11 — Clarke Co, GA Death: November 19, 1858 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
Marriage: June 3, 1832 — Clarke Co, GA |
5 months himself |
Asberry (Berry) Gann Birth: November 15, 1832 17 14 — Clarke Co, GA Death: September 12, 1906 — Paulding Co, GA |
17 months younger brother |
Thomas F. Gann Birth: April 13, 1834 19 16 — Clarke Co, GA Death: 1862 — Ft. Royal, Manassas, VA |
2 years younger brother |
Seaborn Gann Birth: June 30, 1836 21 18 — Cobb Co, GA Death: 1866 — Paulding Co, GA |
19 months younger sister |
Harriett A. Gann Birth: January 28, 1838 22 20 — Madison Co, GA Death: November 13, 1912 — Paulding Co, GA |
16 months younger sister |
Nancy Gann Birth: May 24, 1839 24 21 — Cobb Co, GA Death: September 21, 1893 — Paulding Co, GA |
19 months younger sister |
Mary C. Gann Birth: December 27, 1840 25 22 — Cobb Co, GA Death: August 13, 1916 — Paulding Co, GA |
22 months younger sister |
Martha Gann Birth: October 21, 1842 27 24 — Cobb Co, GA Death: November 5, 1932 — Paulding Co, GA |
2 years younger sister |
Frances E. (Fannie) Gann Birth: December 28, 1844 29 26 — Cobb Co, GA Death: 1874 — Paulding Co, GA |
16 months younger brother |
John William Gann Birth: May 10, 1846 31 28 — Cobb Co, GA Death: September 9, 1925 — Lanesburg, Nevada Co, AR |
21 months younger brother |
Robert Pope Gann Birth: February 4, 1848 32 30 — Cobb Co, GA Death: January 5, 1925 — Polk Co, GA |
23 months younger sister |
Sarah Jane Gann Birth: 1849 33 30 — Cobb Co, GA Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Susan Josephine Gann Birth: October 5, 1852 37 34 — Cobb Co, GA Death: November 11, 1873 — Paulding Co, GA |
2 years younger sister |
Permelia (Millie) Gann Birth: October 25, 1854 39 36 — Cobb Co, GA Death: November 11, 1936 — Paulding Co, GA |
Father’s family with Millie Poole |
father |
Robert (Robin) Gann Birth: March 1815 29 26 — Clark Co, GA Death: May 11, 1900 — Paulding Co, GA |
step-mother | |
Marriage: October 6, 1865 — Paulding Co, GA |
Family with Martha Elizabeth Glore |
himself |
Asberry (Berry) Gann Birth: November 15, 1832 17 14 — Clarke Co, GA Death: September 12, 1906 — Paulding Co, GA |
wife |
Martha Elizabeth Glore Birth: April 25, 1835 — Cobb Co, GA Death: June 6, 1908 — Paulding Co, GA |
Marriage: December 29, 1853 — Cobb Co, GA |
9 months son |
James Robert (Huey) Gann Birth: October 10, 1854 21 19 — Cobb Co, GA Death: September 26, 1916 — Bridgeport, Wise Co, TX |
23 months daughter |
Mary Jane (Sis) Gann Birth: August 31, 1856 23 21 — Cobb Co, GA Death: March 20, 1932 — Paulding Co, GA |
5 years daughter |
Julia Ann Tabitha Gann Birth: April 10, 1861 28 25 — Paulding Co, GA Death: June 19, 1915 — Paulding Co, GA |
22 months son |
Berry Jackson Gann Birth: February 1, 1863 30 27 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA Death: August 3, 1947 — Paulding Co, GA |
4 years daughter |
Georgia Ann Gann Birth: November 7, 1866 33 31 — Paulding Co, GA Death: July 1, 1947 — Paulding Co, GA |
17 months daughter |
Martha Francis Gann Birth: March 27, 1868 35 32 — Paulding Co, GA Death: February 13, 1936 — Paulding Co, GA |
Note | Joy Gann Brown 3/14/91: The older Ganns that lived here (Dallas, Paulding Co., Georgia) were successful farmers. Several had large families. Some attended Pumpkinvine Baptist Church located a few miles west of Dallas, Hwy. 120. There is a Gann Cemetery near this Church, yet off the Hwy. Asberry Gann gave the property for the Gann Cemetery also for the Gann School. Gann School was a one room building, this being where my mother and her family and many relatives and community children got their early education. School was closed about 1940-41, building taken down. Asberry Gann served in the Civil War. This wording is on a marker at his grave: BERRY GANN; 4TH SGT. CO. B 4 GA STATE TRP; CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY; NOV 15 1832; SEP 12 1906. My Grandfather, Berry Jackson Gann, my Great-grandfather, Asberry (Berry) Gann and my Great-great-grandfather, Robert Gann, are all three buried at the Gann Cemetery. From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC. |