Henry Sherman BullockAge: 82 years1864–1946
- Name
- Henry Sherman Bullock
- Given names
- Henry Sherman
- Surname
- Bullock
- Name suffix
- Jr
Family with parents |
father |
Henry Sherman Bullock Birth: December 24, 1827 — Paulding Co, GA Death: October 2, 1901 — Paulding Co, GA |
mother |
Harriett A. Gann Birth: January 28, 1838 22 20 — Madison Co, GA Death: November 13, 1912 — Paulding Co, GA |
Marriage: May 14, 1857 — Paulding Co, GA |
brother | |
brother | |
elder sister |
Antennette Bullock Birth: October 22, 1857 29 19 — Paulding Co, GA Death: January 31, 1944 — Paulding Co, GA |
3 years elder brother |
William (Buck) Bullock Birth: June 10, 1860 32 22 — Paulding Co, GA Death: April 5, 1933 — Paulding Co, GA |
4 years himself |
Henry Sherman Bullock Birth: August 29, 1864 36 26 — Paulding Co, GA Death: December 19, 1946 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
6 years younger brother |
Robert B. Bullock Birth: February 1870 42 32 — Paulding Co, GA Death: |
brother | |
younger brother |
George Alexander (John) Bullock Birth: April 3, 1875 47 37 — Paulding Co, GA Death: July 23, 1950 |
23 months younger sister |
Etta Veal Bullock Birth: March 8, 1877 49 39 Death: May 23, 1952 |
brother |
Nathan Hawkins (Tink) Bullock Death: 1912 |
Family with Alie Malinda Dean |
himself |
Henry Sherman Bullock Birth: August 29, 1864 36 26 — Paulding Co, GA Death: December 19, 1946 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
wife |
Alie Malinda Dean Birth: February 19, 1872 — Paulding Co, GA Death: February 14, 1967 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
Marriage: January 14, 1891 — Dallas, Paulding Co, GA |
1 year son |
Eugene Horace Bullock Birth: January 28, 1892 27 19 Death: May 25, 1960 |
20 months son |
Waitcel Bullock Birth: September 23, 1893 29 21 Death: March 30, 1972 |
23 months son |
George Lafayette Allen Bullock Birth: August 24, 1895 30 23 Death: February 26, 1963 |
2 years daughter |
Ruth Bullock Birth: November 28, 1897 33 25 Death: August 5, 1992 |
2 years daughter |
Mary Dean Bullock Birth: March 18, 1900 35 28 Death: May 1, 1988 |
4 years daughter |
Atha Marie Bullock Birth: June 23, 1904 39 32 Death: |
22 months daughter |
Alma Malinda Bullock Birth: April 13, 1906 41 34 — Paulding Co, GA Death: November 28, 1957 — Fulton Co, GA |
2 years daughter |
Frances Jewell Bullock Birth: September 16, 1908 44 36 — Paulding Co, GA Death: |
5 years daughter |
Louise Bullock Birth: February 28, 1914 49 42 Death: July 6, 1945 — Paulding Co, GA |
Note | From Dale Loudermilk, 134 Cartersville Hwy, Dallas, GA 30132 12/30/96 |