Mary Jane (Mollie) UnderwoodAge: 79 years1859–1939
- Name
- Mary Jane (Mollie) Underwood
- Given names
- Mary Jane (Mollie)
- Surname
- Underwood
Family with parents |
father |
George Washington Underwood Birth: 1816 — GA Death: May 1862 — Lufkin, Angelina Co, TX |
mother |
Ruth L. (Rutha) Massingill Birth: 1824 29 34 — Greene Co, TN Death: before 1867 |
Marriage: July 4, 1855 — Jonesville, Angelina Co, TX |
5 years herself |
Mary Jane (Mollie) Underwood Birth: December 19, 1859 43 35 — Angelina Co, TX Death: January 9, 1939 — Snyder, Scurry Co, TX |
2 years younger brother |
Benjamin Franklin Underwood Birth: March 5, 1862 46 38 — Angelina Co, TX Death: May 14, 1944 — Lampasas, Lampasas Co, TX |
Father’s family with an unknown individual |
father |
George Washington Underwood Birth: 1816 — GA Death: May 1862 — Lufkin, Angelina Co, TX |
Marriage: about 1836 — Butler Co, AL |
3 years half-brother |
William Hosea (Hosey) Underwood Birth: January 1839 23 — Butler Co, AL Death: August 20, 1912 — Kaufman Co, TX |
17 years half-sister |
Caledonia (Donia) Underwood Birth: about 1855 39 — Butler Co, AL Death: December 17, 1873 — Hamilton Co, TX |
Mother’s family with Hugh Strangeline |
step-father | |
mother |
Ruth L. (Rutha) Massingill Birth: 1824 29 34 — Greene Co, TN Death: before 1867 |
Marriage: July 4, 1855 — Jonesville, Angelina Co, TX |
Family with William Jesse Cargile |
husband |
William Jesse Cargile Birth: June 11, 1858 — Fannin Co, TX Death: October 6, 1931 — Snyder, Scurry Co, TX |
herself |
Mary Jane (Mollie) Underwood Birth: December 19, 1859 43 35 — Angelina Co, TX Death: January 9, 1939 — Snyder, Scurry Co, TX |
Marriage: June 11, 1882 — Comanche Co, TX |
3 years daughter |
Lois Ednah Cargile Birth: June 15, 1885 27 25 — Comyn, Comanche Co, TX Death: November 9, 1890 — Comyn, Comanche Co, TX |
2 years son |
Sidney B. Cargile Birth: July 23, 1887 29 27 Death: November 14, 1905 — Fannin Co, TX |
22 months son |
John Franklin Cargile Birth: May 13, 1889 30 29 Death: February 1, 1943 |
23 months son |
Albert Clarence Cargile Birth: April 16, 1891 32 31 Death: September 6, 1966 |
21 months son |
William Jefferson Cargile Birth: January 10, 1893 34 33 Death: January 6, 1941 |
2 years son |
Lee Cargile Birth: January 21, 1895 36 35 Death: October 2, 1969 — Lubbock, TX |
4 years son |
Charlie Edward Cargile Birth: August 9, 1898 40 38 Death: June 20, 1968 — Polar, Kent Co, TX |
2 years daughter |
Emma Mae Cargile Birth: January 7, 1901 42 41 — Hamilton Co, TX Death: June 24, 1985 — Colorado City |
Note | From Clark Sinclair, 1402 Richmond Ave Apt 307, Houston, TX 77006-5323 3/14/97. |