Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Sidney ParmleyAge: 69 years18301900

Sidney Parmley
Given names
Birth March 21, 1830
MarriageThomas (Dock) GannView this family
May 19, 1858 (Age 28 years)

Birth of a son
Samuel A. Gann
November 1860 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
Robert W. Gann
July 23, 1862 (Age 32 years)
Marriage of a childSamuel A. GannLucy A. DowellView this family
October 2, 1881 (Age 51 years)
Death of a sonRobert W. Gann
January 21, 1893 (Age 62 years)

Death of a husbandThomas (Dock) Gann
1895 (Age 64 years)
Death after 1900 (Age 69 years)


From Joyce A. Wright, 131 Hilltop Dr, Lake in the Hills, IL 60102-11770 (847) 658-5993 7/13/96