Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lula DavidsonAge: 35 years18821918

Lula Davidson
Given names
Birth December 6, 1882 26 19
Birth of a sisterNinnie Ida Davidson
April 6, 1885 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterLucy Allis Davidson
November 7, 1887 (Age 4 years)
Death of a sisterLucy Allis Davidson
June 13, 1889 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a brotherJoseph Floyd Davidson
January 28, 1890 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Jackson Davidson
November 7, 1891 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterAmanda Agnes Davidson
August 29, 1895 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherWarren Davidson
June 9, 1898 (Age 15 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherElisha Gann
1904 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a brotherMendel (Dock) Davidson
March 25, 1905 (Age 22 years)
Death April 12, 1918 (Age 35 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 12, 1882
10 months
Lula Davidson
Birth: December 6, 1882 26 19Soddy, Hamilton Co, TN
Death: April 12, 1918Soddy, Hamilton Co, TN
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
21 months
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Amanda Agnes Davidson
Birth: August 29, 1895 39 32Soddy, Hamilton Co, TN
Death: January 10, 1982Chattanooga, Hamilton Co, TN
3 years
younger brother
7 years
younger brother
Family with Demem Johnson - View this family
Lula Davidson
Birth: December 6, 1882 26 19Soddy, Hamilton Co, TN
Death: April 12, 1918Soddy, Hamilton Co, TN