Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Alonzo Lucius AdairAge: 49 years18741923

Alonzo Lucius Adair
Given names
Alonzo Lucius
Birth October 31, 1874
MarriageNancy Bell GannView this family
about 1904 (Age 29 years)

Death November 3, 1923 (Age 49 years)

Compiled and researched by Joy Turner Starr, 4032 Echo Glen Dr., Dallas, TX 75244-7321, Tele. 972-620-9108. Sources: Personal knowledge of JYS. Personal interviews with Susanna Adair Turner , Eugene Clyde Adair, and Florence Billy Adair from 1930 thru 1997. Photographs and reproductions by Joy and Wade Starr. Original photographs from personal files of SAT and ECA. 1910 Federal Census Myrick Township, Johnston Co, OK: Alonzo L. age 35 W M farmer b. GA - rented farm house - 1st marriage - 6 yrs, Bell age 34 W F b. TX - 2nd marriage - 6 yrs - no. children 3 - 2 living, Eugene C. age 1/2, Jessie Gibbins age 16 - stepson. 1920 Federal Census Montague Co, TX: Death records: Nancy Bell Gann Adair - Death certificate Durant, Bryan Co, OK. A personal visit to the Highland cemetery and an interview with the office staff revealed a register listing NBG with no location. When time permits we plan to search for older records which may either reveal the location or allow us to make an educated quess as to the location and walk the property reading gravestones. Highland is a large cemetery with old and new graves in the same lots. Alonzo Lucius Adair - No death certificate was found in the county or state records. On a personal visit to Hugh Lowe Cemetery we were fortunate to find the couple who maintain this and several other local cemeteries on a weekly basis. The wife produced a register compiled by the Pittsburg Co, Oklahoma Genealogical Society which lists the location. (A copy of this publication is now in our personal library). Photographs of gravestone taken by JYS and WS in June 1996.