Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lilley Harmon
Given names
Birth December 17, 1886 37 35
Birth of a sisterEppy Louise Harmon
June 5, 1891 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherTolbert Jacob Harmon
April 26, 1892 (Age 5 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherLucinda Gann
after 1893 (Age 6 years)
MarriageJim BoxView this family
October 13, 1907 (Age 20 years)
Death of a sisterEppy Louise Harmon
August 25, 1915 (Age 28 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam Kurtis Harmon
August 15, 1926 (Age 39 years)
Death of a sisterMargery Ada Harmon
April 21, 1930 (Age 43 years)
Death of a sisterMary Chandler Harmon
June 2, 1936 (Age 49 years)

Death of a sisterSallie Harmon
November 18, 1939 (Age 52 years)

Death of a sisterSudie Harmon
July 5, 1944 (Age 57 years)

Death of a sisterEsther Ann Harmon
August 10, 1950 (Age 63 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Mark Harmon
March 1, 1952 (Age 65 years)
Death of a brotherTolbert Jacob Harmon
April 1, 1952 (Age 65 years)
