Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lena May GannAge: 82 years18871969

Lena May Gann
Given names
Lena May
Birth February 25, 1887 27 24
Birth of a brotherRothwell Gann
December 3, 1888 (Age 21 months)
Birth of a brotherRaymond H. Gann
October 22, 1895 (Age 8 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherElizabeth Crow
November 12, 1899 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Randall Gann
November 14, 1899 (Age 12 years)
MarriageGrover Cleveland GreenView this family
November 22, 1905 (Age 18 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherHenry H. (Grandser) Gann
February 24, 1914 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherPinkney Young Gann
December 9, 1919 (Age 32 years)
Death of a motherAlice Lanier Williford
September 25, 1942 (Age 55 years)

Death of a brotherRothwell Gann
June 12, 1956 (Age 69 years)

Death of a brotherJohn Randall Gann
July 30, 1960 (Age 73 years)

Death of a brotherRaymond H. Gann
February 25, 1967 (Age 80 years)

Death April 12, 1969 (Age 82 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 12, 1884
2 years
21 months
younger brother
7 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
Family with Grover Cleveland Green - View this family
Marriage: November 22, 1905


From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC.