Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Minnie MorrisAge: 63 years18561919

Minnie Morris
Given names
Birth 1856
MarriageHenry Norris GannView this family
October 16, 1887 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a son
Norris Scott Gann
August 29, 1888 (Age 32 years)
Death of a husbandHenry Norris Gann
1893 (Age 37 years)

Marriage of a childNorris Scott GannOdessa Pearl PeoplesView this family
about 1915 (Age 59 years)
Death August 13, 1919 (Age 63 years)

!1900 US Census; Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia; Name: Minnie Gann; Gender: Female; Age: 47; Marital Status: Widowed; Relationship to Head of Household: Head; Number of Children 3; Number of Living Children: 2 Birth Date: Apr 1853; Birthplace: Georgia; Father's Birthplace: Georgia; Mother's Birthplace: Georgia; Norris Gann Son M 12; August 1888 Robert Gann Son M 7; June 1893; John Hudson Boarder M; 28; Walter Morrow Boarder M 21; John Farmer Boarder M 49; District: 41, Sheet Number and Letter: 20B, Household ID: 493, Line Number: 77, Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Affiliate Publication Number: T623, GS Film Number: 1240200, Digital Folder Number: 004120061, Image Number: 00748 !1910 US Census Brunswick Ward 3, Glynn County, Georgia; Name: ?Orrie (Norris) Gann; Son Age 19; Born in Georgia; Father born in Georgia; Mother born in Georgia; Head of household; Minnie Gann Age 56; Born in Georgia abt 1854; Widowed; Father born in Georgia; Mother born in Georgia; Robert Gann Son Age 12; Born in Georgia abt 1898; John W. Farmer Lodger Age 58; District: 69, Sheet Number and Letter: A, Household ID: 325, Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Affiliate Publication Number: M1283, GS Film number: 1374200, Digital Folder Number: 004327486, Image Number: 00426 !Georgia Death Certificate; Name: Minnie Gann; Titles and Terms: Mrs. Event Date: 13 Aug 1919; Age: 63 years; Event Place: Brunswick, Glynn, Georgia; Birth Date: 1856; Birthplace: Ga; Gender: Female; Race: White; Ethnicity: American Father's Name: Jacob Moore; Mother's Name: Scott; GS Film number: 2294997; Digital Folder Number: 4022973, Image Number: 01219, Reference ID: 11367