Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Joseph Dethaniel GannAge: 68 years18921961

Joseph Dethaniel Gann
Given names
Joseph Dethaniel
Birth September 26, 1892 23 20
Birth of a sisterPearl Lea Gann
June 1, 1895 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherWillie Ule Gann
April 24, 1898 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherJohnny Hosea Gann
September 7, 1901 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherAlvin E. Gann
March 28, 1905 (Age 12 years)

Death of a sisterPearl Lea Gann
1913 (Age 20 years)

MarriageVelma Plaquitte ThweattView this family
April 13, 1914 (Age 21 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJohn Gann
February 20, 1915 (Age 22 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherSophrona Essor
December 24, 1919 (Age 27 years)
Death of a fatherNathaniel Dethaniel Gann
May 5, 1936 (Age 43 years)
Death of a motherMartha Alice Milligan
March 8, 1955 (Age 62 years)
Death January 20, 1961 (Age 68 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 28, 1891Roger Milam, TX
11 months
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Johnny Hosea Gann
Birth: September 7, 1901 32 29Big Hill, TX
Death: October 30, 1986Winters, TX
4 years
younger brother
Family with Velma Plaquitte Thweatt - View this family
Marriage: April 13, 1914Robertson Co, TX


Patricia Diane Riley, P O Box 336, Eunice, NM 88231 505-394-3070 E-mail

Joseph died in his home west of town early Friday morning following a heart attack. Born in Roberson County, he moved as an infant to Tarrant County with his parents. He married Velma Plaquitte Thweatt on April 13, 1914, in Robertson County. They moved to Winders in 1929 and to Jones County in 1931. Mr. Gann was a farmer till ill health forced his retirement.