Missouri Annie (Dilda) GannAge: 77 years1853–1930
- Name
- Missouri Annie (Dilda) Gann
- Given names
- Missouri Annie (Dilda)
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
James William Gann Birth: September 10, 1812 18 — Clarke Co, GA Death: August 7, 1894 — Cleburne Co, AL |
mother |
Silar Sarah Frances Gann Birth: July 25, 1818 — Clarke Co, GA Death: February 19, 1913 — Cleburne Co, AL |
Marriage: February 5, 1835 — Clarke Co, GA |
11 months elder brother |
James William Gann Birth: 1835 22 16 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: Franklin Co, AL |
3 years elder brother |
Henry Thomas Gann Birth: 1837 24 18 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: February 8, 1908 — TX |
4 years elder sister |
Mary Frances Gann Birth: May 15, 1841 28 22 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: January 20, 1917 — Heflin, Cleburne Co, AL |
20 months elder brother |
Julius Littleton Gann Birth: 1842 29 23 — Cobb Co, GA Death: Talladega Co, AL |
2 years elder brother |
Thomas L Gann Birth: 1843 30 24 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: January 20, 1917 — AL |
3 years elder sister |
Susan Gann Birth: 1845 32 26 — AL Death: before 1860 — AL |
1 year elder brother |
Fleming Gann Birth: 1845 32 26 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: |
7 years elder brother |
John Wesley Gann Birth: August 26, 1851 38 33 — Randolph Co, AL Death: 1908 — Newburg, Franklin Co, AL |
6 months elder sister |
Sarah Catherine Gann Birth: February 29, 1852 39 33 — Marshall, Randolph Co, AL Death: June 6, 1941 — Mt. Hope, AL |
16 months herself |
Missouri Annie (Dilda) Gann Birth: July 1, 1853 40 34 — Randolph Co, AL Death: August 31, 1930 — Heflin, Cleburne Co, AL |
5 years younger sister |
Nancy Jane Gann Birth: August 28, 1858 45 40 — Randolph Co, AL Death: January 2, 1951 — Anniston, Calhoun Co, AL |
3 years younger sister |
Ellen C. Gann Birth: August 9, 1861 48 43 — Clay Co, AL Death: January 26, 1941 — Anniston, Calhoun Co, AL |
Family with Levi Benton Berryman Teague |
husband |
Levi Benton Berryman Teague Birth: May 16, 1847 — Calhoun Co, AL Death: December 31, 1912 — Paris, Lamar Co, TX |
herself |
Missouri Annie (Dilda) Gann Birth: July 1, 1853 40 34 — Randolph Co, AL Death: August 31, 1930 — Heflin, Cleburne Co, AL |
Marriage: March — |
son |
Minus Alvinadus Gann Birth: June 28, 1873 26 19 — Abel, Cleburne Co, AL Death: May 30, 1956 — Heflin, Cleburne Co, AL |
Levi Benton Berryman Teague + Mary Frances Gann |
husband |
Levi Benton Berryman Teague Birth: May 16, 1847 — Calhoun Co, AL Death: December 31, 1912 — Paris, Lamar Co, TX |
elder sister |
Mary Frances Gann Birth: May 15, 1841 28 22 — Powder Springs, Cobb Co, GA Death: January 20, 1917 — Heflin, Cleburne Co, AL |
Marriage: October 19, 1865 — |
9 months niece |
Sarah B. Teague Birth: July 9, 1866 19 25 Death: September 10, 1881 |
16 months nephew |
James William Munroe Teague Birth: October 30, 1867 20 26 Death: February 14, 1956 — Cleburne Co, AL |
4 years nephew |
John Alexander Teague Birth: April 25, 1871 23 29 — Delta, Randolph Co, AL Death: June 22, 1941 — San Angelo, Tom Green Co, TX |
3 years nephew |
Riley B. Teague Birth: April 6, 1874 26 32 Death: March 5, 1876 — Clay Co, AL |
2 years nephew |
George F. Teague Birth: August 15, 1876 29 35 Death: March 29, 1877 |
2 years niece |
Catherine Teague Birth: November 1878 31 37 — AL Death: |
niece | |
nephew |
Thomas Littleton Teague Birth: about 1887 39 45 — TX Death: |
Note | From Nora Harris, 209 Rome St., Bowdon, GA 30108. From JUdy Louise Gann Sims, 111 Brickhouse Rd, Oxford, AL 36203 (1990) 2/8/96. Missouri Annie Dilda Gann was not married to Levi B. Teague, her brother-in-law. She never married. |