Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Robert Landon GuthrieAge: 83 years18321915

Robert Landon Guthrie
Given names
Robert Landon
Birth November 29, 1832
MarriageMourning Elizabeth FranksView this family
1859 (Age 26 years)
Death of a wifeMourning Elizabeth Franks
1899 (Age 66 years)
Death December 22, 1915 (Age 83 years)

From Rosalie Guthrie, R 5, Box 710, Blanchard, OK 73010-9353 8/25/96.

Mourning Elizabeth and Robert Landon had separated prior to 1899 and he returned to Izard Co, AR. Upon her death, he returned to Caldwell Co, TX until prior to 1910, then he went back to Izard County and lived with their youngest son, Jesse Denton Guthrie.