Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

William Jackson GannAge: 93 years18261920

William Jackson Gann
Given names
William Jackson
Birth November 21, 1826 29 28
Birth of a sisterSarah Jane Gann
about 1831 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherWesley Delbert Gann
1833 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Washington Gann
August 2, 1835 (Age 8 years)
Death of a motherRuth Ann Delaney
January 12, 1837 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherIgnatious Nathan Gann
July 18, 1839 (Age 12 years)
Marriage of a parentWilliam GannNancy Arnold ReddonView this family
January 27, 1859 (Age 32 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Delaney Gann
January 19, 1864 (Age 37 years)
MarriageGeorgia Ann Shirley AlbrightView this family
about 1866 (Age 39 years)

Birth of a daughter
Lucia Gann
about 1866 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a son
William Jack Gann
about 1868 (Age 41 years)
Death of a brotherWesley Delbert Gann
before 1870 (Age 43 years)

Birth of a son
King David Gann
March 7, 1870 (Age 43 years)
Death of a sisterSarah Jane Gann
about 1870 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
Walter Gann
1872 (Age 45 years)
Death of a fatherWilliam Gann
November 25, 1872 (Age 46 years)
Birth of a son
Noah Gann
1876 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a son
Zebedee Gann
January 8, 1879 (Age 52 years)
Death of a sisterRuth Anne Gann
after 1880 (Age 53 years)
Death of a brotherNathaniel Wilson Gann
September 22, 1895 (Age 68 years)
Death of a sisterLouisa Gann
January 21, 1901 (Age 74 years)
Death of a sonNoah Gann
1907 (Age 80 years)

Death of a wifeGeorgia Ann Shirley Albright
February 1910 (Age 83 years)
Death June 15, 1920 (Age 93 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 22, 1816Greene Co, TN
2 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
-3 months
elder sister
5 years
elder sister
11 months
5 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Nancy Arnold Reddon - View this family
Marriage: January 27, 1859Angelina Co, TX
Family with Georgia Ann Shirley Albright - View this family
Marriage: about 1866
1 year
3 years
2 years
3 years
5 years
3 years


From Joy Gann Brown, Hillsborough, NC. From Anne Limmer, Deer Park, TX.