Infant GannAge: 0 days1887–1887
- Name
- Infant Gann
- Given names
- Infant
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
William Henry Thomas Gann Birth: December 25, 1858 36 28 Death: June 16, 1934 |
mother |
Missouri Ashley Birth: January 2, 1865 Death: January 4, 1891 |
Marriage: October 11, 1883 — Cherokee Co., AL |
16 months elder brother |
Amos Cleveland Gann Birth: February 8, 1885 26 20 Death: June 29, 1923 |
sister | |
younger sister |
Katie Gann Birth: August 23, 1891 32 26 Death: April 23, 1974 |
-4 years themself |
Infant Gann Birth: June 1887 28 22 Death: June 1887 |
Father’s family with Martha Dalrymple |
father |
William Henry Thomas Gann Birth: December 25, 1858 36 28 Death: June 16, 1934 |
step-mother |
Martha Dalrymple Birth: July 11, 1873 Death: March 8, 1968 |
half-sibling |
Private |
Note | From Toby Davis |