Jasper Levi GannAge: 75 years1835–1911
- Name
- Jasper Levi Gann
- Given names
- Jasper Levi
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Thomas Gann Birth: 1801 52 51 — SC Death: |
mother |
Rebecca … Birth: 1802 Death: |
elder brother |
William Gann Birth: 1820 19 18 — TN Death: |
8 years elder sister |
Sarah Gann Birth: 1827 26 25 — TN Death: |
2 years elder sister |
Nancy Gann Birth: 1828 27 26 — TN Death: |
3 years elder brother |
John Gann Birth: 1830 29 28 — AL Death: |
4 years elder sister |
Cynthia Gann Birth: 1833 32 31 — AL Death: |
3 years brother |
Newton Gann Birth: 1835 34 33 — AL Death: |
1 month himself |
Jasper Levi Gann Birth: February 14, 1835 34 33 — Marion Co, AL Death: January 24, 1911 — White Co, AR |
3 years younger sister |
Rebitha (Tabitha) Gann Birth: 1837 36 35 — AL Death: |
2 years younger brother |
Smith Gann Birth: 1838 37 36 — TN Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Jane Gann Birth: 1841 40 39 — TN Death: |
4 years younger sister |
Lucinda Gann Birth: 1844 43 42 — MO Death: |
6 years younger brother |
Thomas Jefferson Gann Birth: October 11, 1849 48 47 — MS Death: |
Family with Sarah M. (Sally) Guise |
himself |
Jasper Levi Gann Birth: February 14, 1835 34 33 — Marion Co, AL Death: January 24, 1911 — White Co, AR |
wife |
Sarah M. (Sally) Guise Birth: January 1835 — AL Death: August 24, 1919 — Sidon, White Co, AR |
Marriage: 1852 — AL |
5 years son |
Enoch Thomas (ET) Gann Birth: August 12, 1856 21 21 — Knoxville, Knox Co, TN Death: February 3, 1925 — Little Rock, Pulaski Co, AR |
4 years daughter |
Mary Caldonia Gann Birth: April 17, 1860 25 25 — TN Death: December 10, 1924 — White Co, AR |
6 years daughter |
Josephine P. (Jocie) Gann Birth: July 2, 1866 31 31 — TN Death: after 1920 — AR |
Note | From Rubie K. Gann Golart, 3430 Blue Mountain Dr, San Jose, CA 95127 (408)-251-3501. 4/3/98 On the 1860 census TN Jasper Gan 25 with wife Sarah 25, and Enoch, Mary C. 1880 Harve Twp, Faulkner Co, AR, pg. 17, dist 54, June 14 1880, with wife, Sarah, both 45 years old, and granddaughter, Josephine, listed as 3 years. On the 1900 Cardnon Twp, White Co, AR census, Sheet No. 3, J. L. Gann 65, wife Sarah 65,had 6 children, 3 living. He says born in Alabama, his father born in Carolina and mother born in AL. Mary C. Record, born April 1859, is listed with her 6 of 8 children living in same household. From National Archives Pension File #800422: Served as private in Company A, 6th Regiment, Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry. Mustered in at Pocahontas, TN and served from Aug 11 1862 to 1865. Paid to Sarah M. Gann. Records gives date of death as Jan. 24, 1911. J. L. Ganns and wife Sarah M. sold land to John T. Patterson for the sum of $500, Warranty Deed dated Oct. 10 1894, White Co, AR. Book 60 pg 126. J. L. Gann and wife Sarah Gann sold to R. H. Short some land for the sum of $500, dated April 20, 1894, White Co, AR. |