Bayless Pinkney GannAge: 70 years1858–1928
- Name
- Bayless Pinkney Gann
- Given names
- Bayless Pinkney
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Anthony Smith Gann Birth: 1833 47 47 — Marion Co, AL Death: June 12, 1865 — Corinth, Alcorn Co, MS |
mother |
Sarah Minerva White Birth: 1832 — Marion Co, AL Death: March 1908 — Stephens Co, TX |
Marriage: about 1854 — Marion Co, AL |
14 months elder sister |
Eliza Jane Gann Birth: March 16, 1855 22 23 — Marion Co, AL Death: January 18, 1887 |
19 months elder sister |
Sarah Matilda Gann Birth: October 4, 1856 23 24 — Marion Co, AL Death: January 10, 1934 — Bunger, Stephens Co, TX |
20 months himself |
Bayless Pinkney Gann Birth: June 13, 1858 25 26 — Marion Co, AL Death: September 23, 1928 — Stephens Co, TX |
3 years younger sister |
Emily Gann Birth: August 17, 1861 28 29 Death: June 22, 1862 |
Family with Laura Elizabeth Hunt |
himself |
Bayless Pinkney Gann Birth: June 13, 1858 25 26 — Marion Co, AL Death: September 23, 1928 — Stephens Co, TX |
wife |
Laura Elizabeth Hunt Birth: March 22, 1869 — MS Death: June 17, 1941 — Stephens Co, TX |
Marriage: July 27, 1886 — TX |
9 months daughter |
Sarah Emily Gann Birth: May 6, 1887 28 18 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: July 20, 1969 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX |
2 years son |
Smith Monroe Gann Birth: September 22, 1889 31 20 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: December 29, 1967 — Stephens Co, TX |
2 years daughter |
Lillie Pinkney Gann Birth: February 13, 1892 33 22 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: July 17, 1955 — Young Co, TX |
3 years son |
John Worth Gann Birth: November 16, 1894 36 25 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: July 24, 1972 |
3 years son |
Melvin Leroy Gann Birth: May 23, 1897 38 28 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: October 22, 1956 |
2 years son |
Wilburn Andrew Gann Birth: August 21, 1899 41 30 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: |
3 years son |
James Earnest Gann Birth: March 12, 1902 43 32 — Veal Creek Community, Stephens Co, TX Death: January 7, 1983 — Stephens Co, TX |
3 years son |
William Riley Gann Birth: October 12, 1904 46 35 — Ivan, Stephens Co, TX Death: June 2, 1984 — Ft. Worth, Tarrant Co, TX |
Note | From E.Eugene Gann, R 4, Box 273, Hamilton, AL 35570 (205) 921-5232 and Theresa Dunlap, Plainview, TX. From Galen Gann, 821 Reveille Rd, Fort Worth, TX 76108-4030. Information from marriage license. Bayless and Laura purchased the Gann place, about 2 miles south of Veal Creek Cem. They paid $30 cash plus a wagon and team plus a note for $280. Bayless was a farmer and blacksmith. His forge is still on the W. A. Gann place at the junction of Veal Creek and Cedar Creek. He raised horses and was an active member of the local school board. Records show he served the Harmony School (later Bee Branch) as a trustee in 1907. In 1909 Bayless purchased property on Duff Prairie and built a house (now known as the Jim Stone place on the county line between Stephens and Young). They soon sold this property and via a wagon and hack, the family journeyed to Louisiana for about 3 months. Earnest became extremely sick with a fever. B. P. sold every thing and put the family on a train and returned to Stephens Co. In 1911 in three covered wagons they traveled to Port Lavaca, TX. There they paid $500 down on some ground for farming. After a brief stay, they traveled to Tyler, TX, visited Laura's family there, and then returned to Veal Creek. The old home place was occupied by kinfolks, so B. P. And family lived in a half dugout in the canyon just south of Veal Creek cemetery. In late 1912, B. P. And family moved to Malvern, Arkansas. From Arkansas they journeyed to Florida via covered wagon, for a brief stay. They then returned to Tulip, Arkansas, sold out there and returned again to the Veal Creek community. They then rented a farm south of Ivan, Texas. In 1927 B. P. And Laura moved into Graham, TX. |