Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Rheuben GannAge: 87 years17941881

Rheuben Gann
Given names

Reuben Gann

Reuben Gann
Given names
Birth 1794 25 23
Birth of a brotherJoshua Isaac Gann
1795 (Age 12 months)
Birth of a sisterJane Gann
March 13, 1798 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Gann
about 1799 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherNathan Gann
between 1801 and 1803 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherAdam Carter Gann
about 1802 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a brotherNicholas Broyles Gann
1805 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a brotherAbraham Gann
about 1806 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterMary Gann
August 31, 1809 (Age 15 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherAdam Gann
August 6, 1812 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a sisterElizabeth Gann
October 6, 1813 (Age 19 years)
MarriageElizabeth “Eliza” D. ClarkView this family
June 3, 1814 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary P. C. Gann
1815 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Camelia S. E. Gann
1820 (Age 26 years)
Death of a motherRosina Broyles
between 1820 and 1824 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherAdam C. Gann
after 1836 (Age 42 years)
Death of a fatherAdam C. Gann
before 1840 (Age 46 years)

Marriage of a childWilson MooreMary P. C. GannView this family
August 11, 1842 (Age 48 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam Gann
October 17, 1845 (Age 51 years)
Death of a sisterElizabeth Gann
November 12, 1846 (Age 52 years)
Death of a brotherJoshua Isaac Gann
1862 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Gann
between 1865 and 1868 (Age 71 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Gann
about 1870 (Age 76 years)
Death of a sisterJane Gann
January 31, 1871 (Age 77 years)
Death of a wifeElizabeth “Eliza” D. Clark
after 1880 (Age 86 years)

Death October 7, 1881 (Age 87 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (119 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: June 22, 1789Washington Co., TN
18 months
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
3 years
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
22 months
younger brother
5 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Family with Elizabeth “Eliza” D. Clark - View this family
Marriage: June 3, 1814Washington Co, TN
19 months
6 years


!Reuben served in the War of 1812 as private in Capt. Samuel Bunch's Company Tennessee Militia. Enlisted Dec 1, 1812 and discharged March 25 1813.

!Reuben and Elizabeth were married by Pleasant Wallace. Recorded Washington Co Marriage and Wills 1778-1820, Page 147.