Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Mattie Pearl GriffinAge: 80 years18911972

Mattie Pearl Griffin
Given names
Mattie Pearl
Birth July 19, 1891 36 35
Death of a maternal grandfatherAbraham Gann
about 1894 (Age 2 years)
Death of a brotherArthur H. Griffin
July 22, 1906 (Age 15 years)
Death of a fatherFrederick Herbert Griffin
1930 (Age 38 years)

Death of a motherSarah Maria Gann
January 11, 1934 (Age 42 years)
Burial of a motherSarah Maria Gann
January 15, 1934 (Age 42 years)
Death of a brotherRaymond Franklin Griffin
October 22, 1952 (Age 61 years)
Death of a sisterLaura J. Griffin
July 1956 (Age 64 years)
Death of a brotherAlbert Harry Griffin
February 27, 1967 (Age 75 years)
Death of a brotherCharles Benjamin Griffin
February 15, 1969 (Age 77 years)

Death 1972 (Age 80 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (29 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 24, 1879Pottawatomie Co, KS
3 years
elder brother
Charles Benjamin Griffin
Birth: November 14, 1882 28 26Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: February 15, 1969Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS
17 months
elder brother
Arthur H. Griffin
Birth: March 31, 1884 29 28Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: July 22, 1906Codell, Rooks Co, KS
17 months
elder brother
Albert Harry Griffin
Birth: September 3, 1885 31 29Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: February 27, 1967Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS
23 months
elder sister
Laura J. Griffin
Birth: July 25, 1887 32 31Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: July 1956Ontario, CA
19 months
elder brother
Raymond Franklin Griffin
Birth: February 16, 1889 34 32Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: October 22, 1952Tehachapi, Kern Co, CA
2 years
Mattie Pearl Griffin
Birth: July 19, 1891 36 35Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: 1972Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA
Family with Private - View this family
Mattie Pearl Griffin
Birth: July 19, 1891 36 35Cedar Creek, Pottawatomie Co, KS
Death: 1972Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA


From Helen MacDonald, Rt 2, Box 150-B, Hayden Lake, ID 83835.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Helen MacDonald, Rt 2, Box 150-B, Hayden Lake, ID 83835.