Catherine May GannAge: 82 years1868–1950
- Name
- Catherine May Gann
- Given names
- Catherine May
- Surname
- Gann
![]() | May 27, 1868 31 29 |
![]() | Martha E. Gann February 28, 1872 (Age 3 years) |
![]() | Sarah E. Gann January 31, 1874 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Mary Jane Gann 1874 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Walter Gann June 23, 1880 (Age 12 years) |
![]() | Abraham Gann about 1894 (Age 25 years) |
![]() | Joshua Nathan Gann October 21, 1919 (Age 51 years) |
![]() | John Lewis Brant October 24, 1922 (Age 54 years) |
![]() | Isabell Gann September 8, 1943 (Age 75 years) |
![]() | Samuel N. Gann March 1950 (Age 81 years) |
![]() | 11 |
![]() | September 7, 1950 (Age 82 years) |
![]() | October 2, 2001 (51 years after death) |
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Family with parents |
father |
Joshua Nathan Gann Birth: May 10, 1837 31 36 — Livingston Co, MO Death: October 21, 1919 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
mother |
Sara Jane Clark Birth: December 1, 1838 — Lexington, Richland Co, OH Death: |
Marriage: June 13, 1857 — Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO |
9 months elder brother |
Samuel N. Gann Birth: March 22, 1858 20 19 — KS Death: March 1950 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
3 years elder sister |
Mary Jane Gann Birth: 1860 22 21 Death: 1874 — Topeka, Shawnee Co, KS |
4 years elder sister |
Isabell Gann Birth: August 22, 1863 26 24 — Pottawatomie Co, KS Death: September 8, 1943 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
5 years herself |
Catherine May Gann Birth: May 27, 1868 31 29 — Pottawatomie Co, KS Death: September 7, 1950 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
4 years younger sister |
Martha E. Gann Birth: February 28, 1872 34 33 — Pottawatomie Co, KS Death: Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
23 months younger sister |
Sarah E. Gann Birth: January 31, 1874 36 35 — Elk Co, KS Death: Ontario, CA |
6 years younger brother |
Walter Gann Birth: June 23, 1880 43 41 — Elk Co, KS Death: |
Father’s family with Mary E. … |
father |
Joshua Nathan Gann Birth: May 10, 1837 31 36 — Livingston Co, MO Death: October 21, 1919 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
step-mother |
Family with John Lewis Brant |
husband |
John Lewis Brant Death: October 24, 1922 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
herself |
Catherine May Gann Birth: May 27, 1868 31 29 — Pottawatomie Co, KS Death: September 7, 1950 — Winfield, Cowley Co, KS |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
Note | !Catherine May moved to Topeka as a small child with her parents. She lived there until 1891 when she moved to Elk Co, KS. After her marriage they moved to Winfield. !Funeral notice Winfield Daily Courier, Sept. 7, 1943: The Rev. C. A. Kitch conducted the funeral services for Mrs. Catherine M. Brant Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from the First Methodist church, using as his text John 10:10. Mrs. Clarence Reiter and Mrs. George McNeish, accompanied by Miss Merle Steinberg at the organ, sand "Beautiful Isle," "What a Friend," and "In the Garden." Pallbearers were Mrs. Brant's grandsons, Robert Miles of San Francisco, Lewis Brant of Manhattan, Hugh Shiflet of Sherman, Texas, Dean Shiflet of Clovis, N.M., Kenneth Workman and Milton Bowman. Interment was made in Highland cemetery. Catherine M., daughter of Joshua and Sarah Gann, was born in Pottawatomie county, Kansas, on May 27, 1868, and died at the age of 75 years, three months and ten days. On January 20, 1886, she was married to John Lewis Brant, who preceded her in death in 1922. To this union seven children were born: Clyde Raymond, who died in infancy; Mrs. I. N. Bowman of rock; Mrs. Rol Workman of Winfield; Mrs. Y. J. Shiflet of Winfield; Gene Brant of Winfield, Ernest Brant of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Roy Miles of Winfield. Seventeen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren, two brothers, S. N. Gann of Burden and Walter Gann of Augusta, and one sister, Mrs. Belle Compton of Winfield, also survive. Mrs. Brant had been a member of the First Methodist church here for many years. All her children and grandchildren were present for the services. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ Catherine May moved to Topeka as a small child with her parents. She lived there until 1891 when she moved to Elk Co, KS. After her marriage they moved to Winfield. Funeral notice Winfield Daily Courier, Sept. 7, 1943: The Rev. C. A. Kitch conducted the funeral services for Mrs. Catherine M. Brant Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from the First Methodist church, using as his text John 10:10. Mrs. Clarence Reiter and Mrs. George McNeish, accompanied by Miss Merle Steinberg at the organ, sand "Beautiful Isle," "What a Friend," and "In the Garden." Pallbearers were Mrs. Brant's grandsons, Robert Miles of San Francisco, Lewis Brant of Manhattan, Hugh Shiflet of Sherman, Texas, Dean Shiflet of Clovis, N.M., Kenneth Workman and Milton Bowman. Interment was made in Highland cemetery. Catherine M., daughter of Joshua and Sarah Gann, was born in Pottawatomie county, Kansas, on May 27, 1868, and died at the age of 75 years, three months and ten days. On January 20, 1886, she was married to John Lewis Brant, who preceded her in death in 1922. To this union seven children were born: Clyde Raymond, who died in infancy; Mrs. I. N. Bowman of rock; Mrs. Rol Workman of Winfield; Mrs. Y. J. Shiflet of Winfield; Gene Brant of Winfield, Ernest Brant of Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Roy Miles of Winfield. Seventeen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren, two brothers, S. N. Gann of Burden and Walter Gann of Augusta, and one sister, Mrs. Belle Compton of Winfield, also survive. Mrs. Brant had been a member of the First Methodist church here for many years. All her children and grandchildren were present for the services. |