Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Dora Isabell DeForestAge: 71 years18741946

Dora Isabell DeForest
Given names
Dora Isabell
Birth November 2, 1874
MarriageWilliam Thomas GannView this family
March 22, 1894 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a daughter
Pansy Fay (Fay) Gann
February 5, 1896 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a daughter
Loggia Pauline Gann
January 8, 1898 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ruby Jewell (Judith) Gann
June 26, 1901 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Opal Gann
December 30, 1904 (Age 30 years)
Death of a daughterOpal Gann
January 12, 1905 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
William Paul Gann
August 25, 1906 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sonWilliam Paul Gann
October 19, 1906 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Eula Gann
September 7, 1910 (Age 35 years)
Death of a daughterEula Gann
September 7, 1910 (Age 35 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam Robert EdwardsPansy Fay (Fay) GannView this family
June 13, 1913 (Age 38 years)

Marriage of a childLoren Nunn BrownLoggia Pauline GannView this family
September 27, 1920 (Age 45 years)

Death March 1, 1946 (Age 71 years)
Record Change September 13, 2010 (64 years after death)

Family with William Thomas Gann - View this family
Marriage: March 22, 1894AR
23 months
23 months
4 years
4 years
Opal Gann
Birth: December 30, 1904 32 30Osborn, AR
Death: January 12, 1905Osborn, AR
20 months
4 years
Eula Gann
Birth: September 7, 1910 38 35Osborn, AR
Death: September 7, 1910Osborn, AR


From Dave Kindem, 1713 Dykhouse, Grand Haven, MI 49417 (616) 842-7742 3/7/96

!Bentonville Paper, 3 March 1946. Mrs. Dora Isabelle DeForest Gann, wife of W. T. Gann, depu ty Benton county tax assessor, died Saturday morning at Little Rock. Member of a pioneer fam ily, she was born in 1874 at Gateway moved here from Hiawasse about three years ago. She wa s a member of the Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, by three daughters, Mrs. W . R. Edwards of Hiawasse, Mrs. Pauline Brown, Mrs. Judy Simmons of Tonkawa, Okla., six grandc hildren and six great grandchildren. Mrs. Clyde Ellis of Washington, D.C., formerly of Bento nville, is a niece.

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From Dave Kindem, 1713 Dykhouse, Grand Haven, MI 49417 (616) 842-7742 3/7/96

Bentonville Paper, 3 March 1946. Mrs. Dora Isabelle DeForest Gann, wife of W. T. Gann, deputy Benton county tax assessor, died Saturday morning at Little Rock. Member of a pioneer family, she was born in 1874 at Gateway moved here from Hiawasse about three years ago. She was a member of the Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, by three daughters, Mrs. W. R. Edwards of Hiawasse, Mrs. Pauline Brown, Mrs. Judy Simmons of Tonkawa, Okla., six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Mrs. Clyde Ellis of Washington, D.C., formerly of Bentonville, is a niece.