Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Mary Virginia PettusAge: 81 years18481930

Mary Virginia Pettus
Given names
Mary Virginia
Birth August 5, 1848
MarriageNicholas Briles GannView this family
December 7, 1865 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Elizabeth Gann
January 18, 1867 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a daughter
Serilda Jane Gann
February 24, 1868 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Henry C. Gann
February 8, 1870 (Age 21 years)
Birth of a son
William J. Gann
January 16, 1873 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
James W. Gann
August 10, 1877 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Riley Lee Gann
February 17, 1880 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Allie Donia Gann
November 1, 1882 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a daughter
Della Gann
March 21, 1885 (Age 36 years)
Birth of a son
Charles Elmer Gann
January 29, 1889 (Age 40 years)
Death of a daughterSerilda Jane Gann
November 6, 1892 (Age 44 years)

Death of a sonHenry C. Gann
October 14, 1898 (Age 50 years)
Death of a sonWilliam J. Gann
October 14, 1898 (Age 50 years)
Death of a daughterMary Elizabeth Gann
February 2, 1903 (Age 54 years)
Death of a husbandNicholas Briles Gann
August 18, 1908 (Age 60 years)
Marriage of a childJohn Carter CurnowAllie Donia GannView this family
June 29, 1910 (Age 61 years)
Death of a daughterDella Gann
1928 (Age 79 years)


Death June 15, 1930 (Age 81 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (71 years after death)

Family with Nicholas Briles Gann - View this family
Marriage: December 7, 1865Benton Co, AR
13 months
13 months
23 months
Henry C. Gann
Birth: February 8, 1870 29 21Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: October 14, 1898Decatur, AR
3 years
William J. Gann
Birth: January 16, 1873 32 24Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: October 14, 1898Decatur, AR
5 years
3 years
3 years
Allie Donia Gann
Birth: November 1, 1882 42 34Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: August 24, 1962Bakersfield, Kern Co, CA
2 years
4 years


From Travis R. Hart, 3650 Country Club Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93306. From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.

!Buried in Union Cemetary. Some confusion about spelling of last name. It may be Petus, Pet tus, or Pettis. Death certificate indicates spelling as Petis. Information on Ganns lists bi rth place as Tenn. This is in agreement with the 1880 census of Rollins Ridge, Benton, AR. S poke of a brother named Bill who may have been a Senator from VA.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Travis R. Hart, 3650 Country Club Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93306. From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.

Buried in Union Cemetary. Some confusion about spelling of last name. It may be Petus, Pettus, or Pettis. Death certificate indicates spelling as Petis. Information on Ganns lists birth place as Tenn. This is in agreement with the 1880 census of Rollins Ridge, Benton, AR. Spoke of a brother named Bill who may have been a Senator from VA.