Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

William J. GannAge: 25 years18731898

William J. Gann
Given names
William J.
Birth January 16, 1873 32 24
Birth of a brotherJames W. Gann
August 10, 1877 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherRiley Lee Gann
February 17, 1880 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a sisterAllie Donia Gann
November 1, 1882 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterDella Gann
March 21, 1885 (Age 12 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherAdam Carter Gann
August 7, 1887 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a brotherCharles Elmer Gann
January 29, 1889 (Age 16 years)
Death of a sisterSerilda Jane Gann
November 6, 1892 (Age 19 years)

Death of a brotherHenry C. Gann
October 14, 1898 (on the date of death)

Death October 14, 1898 (Age 25 years)
Record Change July 3, 1999 (100 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 7, 1865Benton Co, AR
13 months
elder sister
13 months
elder sister
23 months
elder brother
Henry C. Gann
Birth: February 8, 1870 29 21Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: October 14, 1898Decatur, AR
3 years
William J. Gann
Birth: January 16, 1873 32 24Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: October 14, 1898Decatur, AR
5 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
Allie Donia Gann
Birth: November 1, 1882 42 34Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: August 24, 1962Bakersfield, Kern Co, CA
2 years
younger sister
4 years
younger brother
Family with Private - View this family
William J. Gann
Birth: January 16, 1873 32 24Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR
Death: October 14, 1898Decatur, AR


From Fay Ann Polson, Tulsa, OK. From Travis R. Hart, 3650 Country Club Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93306. From Bettye Gann Fowler, 501 Hassett Ave, Ft Worth, TX 76114-3770 11/25/96

!From Gentry Journal-Advance Oct. 21, 1898: Decatur has again been the scene of a frightful railway collision in which three lives were lost and several others seriously hurt. The north-bound freight last Friday morning was run into by a single engine from the north at a curve in the road near the Blair trestle about a mile north of Decatur. The collision was caused, it is said, by the stopping of the engineer's watch on the south bound train, which he had not discovered and was running off time. The engines were damaged almost beyond repair, several empty box cars smashed into kindlings and the loss to the company is considerable. The saddest part of the unfortunate accident is the loss of life. Will and Henry Gann, brothers, who have resided at this place for about two years, were supposed to have been riding in a box car and were killed outright...They had started to Missouri to secure employment...The remains were brought down Friday night by W. D. McGaugh and Rev. R. C. Kemper and were interred Saturday afternoon. Both of the young men leave wives, father, mother, brothers and sisters to mourn their untimely death...The Gann boys came here from Roller's Ridge and were hard working, honest and enjoyed the respect of all who knew them.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Fay Ann Polson, Tulsa, OK. From Travis R. Hart, 3650 Country Club Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93306. From Bettye Gann Fowler, 501 Hassett Ave, Ft Worth, TX 76114-3770 11/25/96

From Gentry Journal-Advance Oct. 21, 1898: Decatur has again been the scene of a frightful railway collision in which three lives were lost and several others seriously hurt. The north-bound freight last Friday morning was run into by a single engine from the north at a curve in the road near the Blair trestle about a mile north of Decatur. The collision was caused, it is said, by the stopping of the engineer's watch on the south bound train, which he had not discovered and was running off time. The engines were damaged almost beyond repair, several empty box cars smashed into kindlings and the loss to the company is considerable. The saddest part of the unfortunate accident is the loss of life. Will and Henry Gann, brothers, who have resided at this place for about two years, were supposed to have been riding in a box car and were killed outright...They had started to Missouri to secure employment...The remains were brought down Friday night by W. D. McGaugh and Rev. R. C. Kemper and were interred Saturday afternoon. Both of the young men leave wives, father, mother, brothers and sisters to mourn their untimely death...The Gann boys came here from Roller's Ridge and were hard working, honest and enjoyed the respect of all who knew them.