Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Vena May GannAge: 86 years18911978

Vena May Gann
Given names
Vena May
Birth November 1, 1891 45 56
Death of a fatherAnanias Gann
January 23, 1911 (Age 19 years)
MarriageCharles F. MutterView this family
April 17, 1912 (Age 20 years)
Death of a motherSarah Catharine Breeze
May 7, 1919 (Age 27 years)
Burial of a motherSarah Catharine Breeze
May 9, 1919 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a son
Charles Herman Graves
April 28, 1923 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Ann Graves
May 2, 1932 (Age 40 years)
Death of a brotherJames Henry Gann
1945 (Age 53 years)
Death of a sonCharles Herman Graves
April 20, 1953 (Age 61 years)
Death of a brotherDavid Nathan Gann
October 28, 1959 (Age 67 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Francis Gann
January 5, 1960 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherGeorge Thomas Gann
September 13, 1960 (Age 68 years)
Death of a husbandHerman Andrew Graves
July 30, 1971 (Age 79 years)

Death July 31, 1978 (Age 86 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (23 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 6, 1864Livingston Co, MO
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
John Francis Gann
Birth: May 2, 1870 24 35Cedar Co, MO
Death: January 5, 1960Moberly, Randolph Co, MO
5 years
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
7 years
Family with Herman Andrew Graves - View this family
Charles Herman Graves
Birth: April 28, 1923 32 31Moberly, Randolph Co, MO
Death: April 20, 1953San Francisco, CA
Family with Charles F. Mutter - View this family
Marriage: April 17, 1912Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO


From Elston F. Gann, Cameron, MO. From Marie Dryden, 437 Elm, Chillicothe, MO 64601.

!Vena May lived in Sampsel township when married to Charles F. Mutter and living at Moberly, MO Jan. 6, 1960.

!From letter written by Vena Gann Mar 14 1968: Our sister Janie died real young. Of course, that was before my time but heard my mother speak of her a lot. I don't know where Frank, Ida or Dave were born. All of that information was in the Bible and my mother requested me to give that Bible to Uncle Tom Breeze after her death, which I did, and I don't know what they ever did with it. It also contained Grandfather Gann and Grandfather's Breeze's births and genealogy in it. I'm sorry I didn't keep it. Now Grandmother Gann died around 1869 or 70. Grandpa Gann never remarried. They had twelve children. I think (not sure) that Grandma and Grandpa Gann were buried at Humansville, Mo. (May not be correct.) Grandpa Breeze died at the age of 56 years. Grandma Breeze lived to be 84 and passed away at our home in Sampsel in the Mace Keith property. I was 10 years old then. Grandma Breeze's maiden name was Spalding (Elizabeth), she was a Virginian. Her first husband was John Nave. They had two children, John, Jr., and Mary Nave. John and John, Jr., drowned when Junior was about 3 or 4 years old. After that Grandma Breeze and Aunt Mary Nave (she never married) lived with Grandma's son (Uncle Jim Breeze) until Aunt Mary died--then Grandma Breeze came to our home to live. She lived with us about 9 years. The last 7 years of her life she was blind and she always called me her little pilot. I led her around the house and in the yard. Oh! How I loved her. To me she has always been the dearest person in the world.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Elston F. Gann, Cameron, MO. From Marie Dryden, 437 Elm, Chillicothe, MO 64601.

Vena May lived in Sampsel township when married to Charles F. Mutter and living at Moberly, MO Jan. 6, 1960.

From letter written by Vena Gann Mar 14 1968: Our sister Janie died real young. Of course, that was before my time but heard my mother speak of her a lot. I don't know where Frank, Ida or Dave were born. All of that information was in the Bible and my mother requested me to give that Bible to Uncle Tom Breeze after her death, which I did, and I don't know what they ever did with it. It also contained Grandfather Gann and Grandfather's Breeze's births and genealogy in it. I'm sorry I didn't keep it. Now Grandmother Gann died around 1869 or 70. Grandpa Gann never remarried. They had twelve children. I think (not sure) that Grandma and Grandpa Gann were buried at Humansville, Mo. (May not be correct.) Grandpa Breeze died at the age of 56 years. Grandma Breeze lived to be 84 and passed away at our home in Sampsel in the Mace Keith property. I was 10 years old then. Grandma Breeze's maiden name was Spalding (Elizabeth), she was a Virginian. Her first husband was John Nave. They had two children, John, Jr., and Mary Nave. John and John, Jr., drowned when Junior was about 3 or 4 years old. After that Grandma Breeze and Aunt Mary Nave (she never married) lived with Grandma's son (Uncle Jim Breeze) until Aunt Mary died--then Grandma Breeze came to our home to live. She lived with us about 9 years. The last 7 years of her life she was blind and she always called me her little pilot. I led her around the house and in the yard. Oh! How I loved her. To me she has always been the dearest person in the world.