Nancy Jane BoucherAge: 79 years1862–1942
- Name
- Nancy Jane Boucher
- Given names
- Nancy Jane
- Surname
- Boucher
![]() | September 3, 1862 |
![]() | Jasper Duckworth — View this family September 25, 1879 (Age 17 years) |
![]() #1 | Mary Elizabeth Duckworth August 13, 1880 (Age 17 years) |
![]() #2 | Viola Duckworth 1881 (Age 18 years) |
![]() #3 | Florence Gertrude Duckworth June 4, 1882 (Age 19 years) |
![]() | Jasper Duckworth January 16, 1885 (Age 22 years) |
![]() | Smith Walker — View this family June 3, 1887 (Age 24 years) |
![]() #4 | Aaron Walker April 25, 1888 (Age 25 years) |
![]() #5 | Laura Walker February 1890 (Age 27 years) |
![]() #6 | James Walker March 1892 (Age 29 years) |
![]() #7 | Nathan Walker November 1895 (Age 33 years) |
![]() #8 | Emma Marie Walker August 1898 (Age 35 years) |
![]() | John Robert Trussell — Florence Gertrude Duckworth — View this family November 2, 1899 (Age 37 years) |
![]() | George Henry Best — Mary Elizabeth Duckworth — View this family December 24, 1899 (Age 37 years) |
![]() | Aaron Walker — Eva Clema Gann — View this family December 27, 1907 (Age 45 years) |
![]() | Nathan Walker 1910 (Age 47 years) |
![]() | Laura Walker 1919 (Age 56 years) |
![]() | Smith Walker April 20, 1928 (Age 65 years) |
![]() | Florence Gertrude Duckworth October 15, 1932 (Age 70 years) |
![]() | Aaron Walker December 22, 1937 (Age 75 years) |
![]() | Mary Elizabeth Duckworth July 1, 1938 (Age 75 years) |
![]() | 11 |
![]() | January 8, 1942 (Age 79 years) |
![]() | October 2, 2001 (59 years after death) |
Family with Smith Walker |
husband |
Smith Walker Birth: December 31, 1852 40 33 — Livingston Co, MO Death: April 20, 1928 — Chase Co, KS |
herself |
Nancy Jane Boucher Birth: September 3, 1862 — Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO Death: January 8, 1942 — Chase Co, KS |
Marriage: June 3, 1887 — Livingston Co, MO |
11 months son |
Aaron Walker Birth: April 25, 1888 35 25 — Livingston Co, MO Death: December 22, 1937 — Chase Co, KS |
22 months daughter |
Laura Walker Birth: February 1890 37 27 Death: 1919 |
2 years son |
James Walker Birth: March 1892 39 29 Death: 1982 |
daughter | |
son |
Nathan Walker Birth: November 1895 42 33 Death: 1910 |
3 years daughter |
Emma Marie Walker Birth: August 1898 45 35 Death: 1969 |
Family with Jasper Duckworth |
husband |
Jasper Duckworth Birth: February 21, 1856 35 30 — Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO Death: January 16, 1885 — Livingston Co, MO |
herself |
Nancy Jane Boucher Birth: September 3, 1862 — Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO Death: January 8, 1942 — Chase Co, KS |
Marriage: September 25, 1879 — Livingston Co, MO |
11 months daughter |
Mary Elizabeth Duckworth Birth: August 13, 1880 24 17 — Mooresville, Livingston Co, MO Death: July 1, 1938 — Mooresville, Livingston Co. MO |
17 months daughter |
Viola Duckworth Birth: 1881 24 18 Death: |
17 months daughter |
Florence Gertrude Duckworth Birth: June 4, 1882 26 19 — Livingston Co, MO Death: October 15, 1932 — Santa Paula, CA |
Smith Walker + Ann Brown |
husband |
Smith Walker Birth: December 31, 1852 40 33 — Livingston Co, MO Death: April 20, 1928 — Chase Co, KS |
husband’s wife | |
step-son |
James Lee Walker Birth: about 1877 24 Death: about 1909 |
3 years step-daughter |
Rosannah Matilda Walker Birth: July 12, 1879 26 Death: January 24, 1950 |
Jasper Duckworth + Ann Brown |
husband |
Jasper Duckworth Birth: February 21, 1856 35 30 — Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO Death: January 16, 1885 — Livingston Co, MO |
husband’s wife | |
step-son |
Henry Duckworth Birth: 1873 16 Death: |
Note | From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. !Married by James Turner, Minister of Gospel. Recorded Livingston Co., MO marriage book Volume 4, Page 7. !Chase County Leader, Cottonwood Fals, KS, Wednesday, January 14, 1942. Death of Mrs. Nancy Jane Walker. Mrs. Nancy J. Walker died at her home in this city Thursday, Janu ary 8, following quite a long illness. The funeral was at the Brown Funeral Home at 2:00 o'cl ock Sunday afternoon. A quartette composed of Mrs. Ray Patton, Mrs. Bellinger, Ray Patton an d Marion Patton sang, accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Bond. The pallbearers were grandsons of Mrs . Walker and included Willard Walker, Ralph Walker, Russell Best, Arthur Trussell, David Merc er and Ed Ulrich. Interment was in the Momestead cemetery. Nancy Jane Walker was born Septemb er 3, 1862 in Livingston County, near Sampsel, Missouri, and departed this life January 8, 19 42, at her home in Cottonwood Falls, at the age of 79 years, 4 months and 5 days. When 13 yea rs old she professed Jesus Christ as her Savior and joined the Pleasant Ridge Baptist church . Mrs. Walker always remained true to this faith. On September 25, 1879, she was united in ma rriage to Jasper Duckworth. To this union was born three daughters, Mrs. George Best, Mrs. Fl orence Trussell and Stella Mae Duckworth, all of whom preceded her in death. On June 3, 1887 , she united her family with that of Smith Walker and his two children, Lee Walker and Mrs. R ose Ulrich. To this union was born three sons, Aaron, Jimmie and Nathan, and three daughters , Laura, Viola and Marie. These three united families grew up together and were raised as on e family. Mrs. Walker was a loving mother and wife and was greatly loved by all who knew her . All of her life was spent near her birthplace, except the last 15 years which she has live d in Kansas. She spent much of her time singing her favorite hymns. She had been unusually we ll, having enjoyed the holidays with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clema Walker and her family a t Clements, Kansas, passing away after an illness of a few days. She leaves to mourn her pass ing 1 son, Jimmie Walker, of Bartlesville, Okla., 1 daughter, Mrs. Marie Storment, of Aldrick , Mo., and 1 step daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Ponca City, Okla., 34 grandchildren, 24 grea t grandchildren and 1 great, great grandchild, several nephews, nieces and a host of friends. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. Married by James Turner, Minister of Gospel. Recorded Livingston Co., MO marriage book Volume 4, Page 7. Chase County Leader, Cottonwood Fals, KS, Wednesday, January 14, 1942. Death of Mrs. Nancy Jane Walker. Mrs. Nancy J. Walker died at her home in this city Thursday, January 8, following quite a long illness. The funeral was at the Brown Funeral Home at 2:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A quartette composed of Mrs. Ray Patton, Mrs. Bellinger, Ray Patton and Marion Patton sang, accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Bond. The pallbearers were grandsons of Mrs. Walker and included Willard Walker, Ralph Walker, Russell Best, Arthur Trussell, David Mercer and Ed Ulrich. Interment was in the Momestead cemetery. Nancy Jane Walker was born September 3, 1862 in Livingston County, near Sampsel, Missouri, and departed this life January 8, 1942, at her home in Cottonwood Falls, at the age of 79 years, 4 months and 5 days. When 13 years old she professed Jesus Christ as her Savior and joined the Pleasant Ridge Baptist church. Mrs. Walker always remained true to this faith. On September 25, 1879, she was united in marriage to Jasper Duckworth. To this union was born three daughters, Mrs. George Best, Mrs. Florence Trussell and Stella Mae Duckworth, all of whom preceded her in death. On June 3, 1887, she united her family with that of Smith Walker and his two children, Lee Walker and Mrs. Rose Ulrich. To this union was born three sons, Aaron, Jimmie and Nathan, and three daughters, Laura, Viola and Marie. These three united families grew up together and were raised as one family. Mrs. Walker was a loving mother and wife and was greatly loved by all who knew her. All of her life was spent near her birthplace, except the last 15 years which she has lived in Kansas. She spent much of her time singing her favorite hymns. She had been unusually well, having enjoyed the holidays with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clema Walker and her family at Clements, Kansas, passing away after an illness of a few days. She leaves to mourn her passing 1 son, Jimmie Walker, of Bartlesville, Okla., 1 daughter, Mrs. Marie Storment, of Aldrick, Mo., and 1 step daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Ponca City, Okla., 34 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and 1 great, great grandchild, several nephews, nieces and a host of friends. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. !Married by James Turner, Minister of Gospel. Recorded Livingston Co., MO marriage book Volume 4, Page 7. !Chase County Leader, Cottonwood Fals, KS, Wednesday, January 14, 1942. Death of Mrs. Nancy Jane Walker. Mrs. Nancy J. Walker died at her home in this city Thursday, Janu ary 8, following quite a long illness. The funeral was at the Brown Funeral Home at 2:00 o'cl ock Sunday afternoon. A quartette composed of Mrs. Ray Patton, Mrs. Bellinger, Ray Patton an d Marion Patton sang, accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Bond. The pallbearers were grandsons of Mrs . Walker and included Willard Walker, Ralph Walker, Russell Best, Arthur Trussell, David Merc er and Ed Ulrich. Interment was in the Momestead cemetery. Nancy Jane Walker was born Septemb er 3, 1862 in Livingston County, near Sampsel, Missouri, and departed this life January 8, 19 42, at her home in Cottonwood Falls, at the age of 79 years, 4 months and 5 days. When 13 yea rs old she professed Jesus Christ as her Savior and joined the Pleasant Ridge Baptist church . Mrs. Walker always remained true to this faith. On September 25, 1879, she was united in ma rriage to Jasper Duckworth. To this union was born three daughters, Mrs. George Best, Mrs. Fl orence Trussell and Stella Mae Duckworth, all of whom preceded her in death. On June 3, 1887 , she united her family with that of Smith Walker and his two children, Lee Walker and Mrs. R ose Ulrich. To this union was born three sons, Aaron, Jimmie and Nathan, and three daughters , Laura, Viola and Marie. These three united families grew up together and were raised as on e family. Mrs. Walker was a loving mother and wife and was greatly loved by all who knew her . All of her life was spent near her birthplace, except the last 15 years which she has live d in Kansas. She spent much of her time singing her favorite hymns. She had been unusually we ll, having enjoyed the holidays with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clema Walker and her family a t Clements, Kansas, passing away after an illness of a few days. She leaves to mourn her pass ing 1 son, Jimmie Walker, of Bartlesville, Okla., 1 daughter, Mrs. Marie Storment, of Aldrick , Mo., and 1 step daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Ponca City, Okla., 34 grandchildren, 24 grea t grandchildren and 1 great, great grandchild, several nephews, nieces and a host of friends. |