Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Smith WalkerAge: 75 years18521928

Smith Walker
Given names
Birth December 31, 1852 40 33
Birth of a brotherSamuel Walker
1857 (Age 4 years)
Death of a sisterMartha Elizabeth Walker
1864 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a sisterNancy Adeline Walker
January 22, 1865 (Age 12 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherSerena B. Frazier
1869 (Age 16 years)
Birth of a son
James Lee Walker
about 1877 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Rosannah Matilda Walker
July 12, 1879 (Age 26 years)

Death of a maternal grandfatherNathan Gann
1884 (Age 31 years)
MarriageNancy Jane BoucherView this family
June 3, 1887 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
Aaron Walker
April 25, 1888 (Age 35 years)
Birth of a daughter
Laura Walker
February 1890 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a son
James Walker
March 1892 (Age 39 years)

Marriage of a childJames Lee WalkerWinnie GannView this family
February 8, 1895 (Age 42 years)
Birth of a son
Nathan Walker
November 1895 (Age 42 years)

Marriage of a childMartin E. UlrichRosannah Matilda WalkerView this family
March 27, 1896 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a daughter
Emma Marie Walker
August 1898 (Age 45 years)

Death of a motherMatilda Gann
1900 (Age 47 years)

Marriage of a childAaron WalkerEva Clema GannView this family
December 27, 1907 (Age 54 years)

Death of a sonJames Lee Walker
about 1909 (Age 56 years)

Death of a sonNathan Walker
1910 (Age 57 years)

Death of a sisterMelissa Jane Walker
after 1910 (Age 57 years)

Death of a daughterLaura Walker
1919 (Age 66 years)


Death April 20, 1928 (Age 75 years)
Record Change October 15, 1998 (70 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 16, 1837Livingston Co, MO
23 months
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
5 years
elder sister
4 years
elder sister
5 years
5 years
younger brother
8 years
younger sister
Family with Nancy Jane Boucher - View this family
Marriage: June 3, 1887Livingston Co, MO
11 months
22 months
2 years
3 years
Family with Ann Brown - View this family
3 years
Jasper Duckworth + Nancy Jane Boucher - View this family
wife’s husband
Marriage: September 25, 1879Livingston Co, MO
11 months
Mary Elizabeth Duckworth
Birth: August 13, 1880 24 17Mooresville, Livingston Co, MO
Death: July 1, 1938Mooresville, Livingston Co. MO
17 months
17 months


From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.

!Obituary, Elmdale News, Wed., April 24, 1928: Smith Walker, who has resided in Elmdale for t he past two years, died at his home in the northeast part of the town Friday morning, April 2 0. Mr. Walker had been in somewhat feeble health recently but was not considered seriously si ck. After resting well Thursday evening, he complained of neuralgia pains and shortness of br eath Friday morning. Doctor Shelley was called but Mr. Walker's heart failed and he died abou t noon in his easy chair, sitting by the stove. Mr. Walker was born in Livingston County, Mis souri, December 30, 1853, departing this life in Elmdale at the age of 75 years, 3 months, an d 21 days. Practically all his life was spent in Missouri, coming to Elmdale in 1926 from Bol ivar, Mo. the loss of his first wife left him with two children, a son Lee, who died at the a ge of 33 years, and a daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Oklahoma. On June 4, 1887, he married Mr s. Nancy Duckworth, who had two daughters, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, and Mrs. Lizzi e Best of Mooresville, Mo. To this union was born six children, Aaron, Laura, James, Viola, N athan, and Marie. Nathan and Viola, preceded their father to the great beyond. He leaves to m ourn him his wife; six children, A. A. Walker of Elmdale, James Walker of Bartlesville, Okla. , Mrs. Marie Storment of Cottonwood Falls, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, Mrs. Lizzie Bes t of Ralston, Okla., and Mrs. Rose Ulrich of Ralston, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Adelene Zann o f Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Jane Walker of Sampsell, Mo.; also 18 grandchildren.From Sara h Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.

!Obituary, Elmdale News, Wed., April 24, 1928: Smith Walker, who has resided in Elmdale for t he past two years, died at his home in the northeast part of the town Friday morning, April 2 0. Mr. Walker had been in somewhat feeble health recently but was not considered seriously si ck. After resting well Thursday evening, he complained of neuralgia pains and shortness of br eath Friday morning. Doctor Shelley was called but Mr. Walker's heart failed and he died abou t noon in his easy chair, sitting by the stove. Mr. Walker was born in Livingston County, Mis souri, December 30, 1853, departing this life in Elmdale at the age of 75 years, 3 months, an d 21 days. Practically all his life was spent in Missouri, coming to Elmdale in 1926 from Bol ivar, Mo. the loss of his first wife left him with two children, a son Lee, who died at the a ge of 33 years, and a daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Oklahoma. On June 4, 1887, he married Mr s. Nancy Duckworth, who had two daughters, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, and Mrs. Lizzi e Best of Mooresville, Mo. To this union was born six children, Aaron, Laura, James, Viola, N athan, and Marie. Nathan and Viola, preceded their father to the great beyond. He leaves to m ourn him his wife; six children, A. A. Walker of Elmdale, James Walker of Bartlesville, Okla. , Mrs. Marie Storment of Cottonwood Falls, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, Mrs. Lizzie Bes t of Ralston, Okla., and Mrs. Rose Ulrich of Ralston, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Adelene Zann o f Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Jane Walker of Sampsell, Mo.; also 18 grandchildren.From Sara h Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.[Boucher.ged]

From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.

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From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.

Obituary, Elmdale News, Wed., April 24, 1928: Smith Walker, who has resided in Elmdale for the past two years, died at his home in the northeast part of the town Friday morning, April 20. Mr. Walker had been in somewhat feeble health recently but was not considered seriously sick. After resting well Thursday evening, he complained of neuralgia pains and shortness of breath Friday morning. Doctor Shelley was called but Mr. Walker's heart failed and he died about noon in his easy chair, sitting by the stove. Mr. Walker was born in Livingston County, Missouri, December 30, 1853, departing this life in Elmdale at the age of 75 years, 3 months, and 21 days. Practically all his life was spent in Missouri, coming to Elmdale in 1926 from Bolivar, Mo. the loss of his first wife left him with two children, a son Lee, who died at the age of 33 years, and a daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Oklahoma. On June 4, 1887, he married Mrs. Nancy Duckworth, who had two daughters, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, and Mrs. Lizzie Best of Mooresville, Mo. To this union was born six children, Aaron, Laura, James, Viola, Nathan, and Marie. Nathan and Viola, preceded their father to the great beyond. He leaves to mourn him his wife; six children, A. A. Walker of Elmdale, James Walker of Bartlesville, Okla., Mrs. Marie Storment of Cottonwood Falls, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, Mrs. Lizzie Best of Ralston, Okla., and Mrs. Rose Ulrich of Ralston, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Adelene Zann of Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Jane Walker of Sampsell, Mo.; also 18 grandchildren.From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS. From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.

Obituary, Elmdale News, Wed., April 24, 1928: Smith Walker, who has resided in Elmdale for the past two years, died at his home in the northeast part of the town Friday morning, April 20. Mr. Walker had been in somewhat feeble health recently but was not considered seriously sick. After resting well Thursday evening, he complained of neuralgia pains and shortness of breath Friday morning. Doctor Shelley was called but Mr. Walker's heart failed and he died about noon in his easy chair, sitting by the stove. Mr. Walker was born in Livingston County, Missouri, December 30, 1853, departing this life in Elmdale at the age of 75 years, 3 months, and 21 days. Practically all his life was spent in Missouri, coming to Elmdale in 1926 from Bolivar, Mo. the loss of his first wife left him with two children, a son Lee, who died at the age of 33 years, and a daughter, Mrs. Rose Ulrich, of Oklahoma. On June 4, 1887, he married Mrs. Nancy Duckworth, who had two daughters, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, and Mrs. Lizzie Best of Mooresville, Mo. To this union was born six children, Aaron, Laura, James, Viola, Nathan, and Marie. Nathan and Viola, preceded their father to the great beyond. He leaves to mourn him his wife; six children, A. A. Walker of Elmdale, James Walker of Bartlesville, Okla., Mrs. Marie Storment of Cottonwood Falls, Mrs. Florence Trussell of Wonsevu, Mrs. Lizzie Best of Ralston, Okla., and Mrs. Rose Ulrich of Ralston, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Adelene Zann of Kansas City, Kans., and Mrs. Jane Walker of Sampsell, Mo.; also 18 grandchildren.From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.[Boucher.ged]

From Sarah Walker-Hitt, Lyndon, KS.