Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Joshua Gann
Given names
Birth March 28, 1838 39 33
Birth of a brotherAdam Gann
about 1839 (Age 9 months)

Death of a paternal grandfatherAdam C. Gann
before 1840 (Age 21 months)

Birth of a sisterSarah Gann
about 1845 (Age 6 years)

Birth of a brotherBenjamin Franklin Gann
1848 (Age 9 years)

Birth of a brotherWilliam Wiley Gann
January 6, 1849 (Age 10 years)
Death of a sisterMartha J. Gann
March 24, 1852 (Age 13 years)
MarriagePermelia Frances WoolseyView this family
December 16, 1859 (Age 21 years)
MarriageEda Marenda StreetView this family
August 4, 1864 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
William T. Gann
March 6, 1868 (Age 29 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Gann
about 1870 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sisterMary Ann Gann
March 21, 1898 (Age 59 years)

Death of a brotherWilliam Wiley Gann
May 15, 1906 (Age 68 years)
Death of a brotherBenjamin Franklin Gann
September 29, 1906 (Age 68 years)

Death September 27, 1918 (Age 80 years)
Burial September 28, 1918 (1 day after death)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (83 years after death)