Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Clement Lorin EvansAge: 84 years18631948

Clement Lorin Evans
Given names
Clement Lorin
Birth October 25, 1863 29 28
Death of a brotherSamuel A. Evans
March 25, 1864 (Age 5 months)

Birth of a sisterIda Jane Evans
December 5, 1865 (Age 2 years)

Death of a sisterIda Jane Evans
September 26, 1866 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherJohn C. Evans
March 14, 1867 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge William Evans
August 19, 1867 (Age 3 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas Gann
about 1870 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a brotherFrancis Marion Evans
January 14, 1876 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a sisterDora Bell Evans
October 15, 1876 (Age 12 years)

Death of a motherMary Ann Gann
March 21, 1898 (Age 34 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary Etta Evans
September 24, 1904 (Age 40 years)
Death of a brotherJasper G. Evans
July 30, 1907 (Age 43 years)

Death of a wifeVinatte (Nettie) Boice
November 4, 1918 (Age 55 years)
Death of a brotherCharles Edmond Evans
September 8, 1938 (Age 74 years)
Death of a brotherGeorge William Evans
October 9, 1945 (Age 81 years)


Death March 23, 1948 (Age 84 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (53 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 15, 1855Livingston Co, MO
15 months
elder brother
17 months
elder brother
18 months
elder brother
13 months
elder brother
Charles Edmond Evans
Birth: October 10, 1860 26 25Marshall Co, IL
Death: September 8, 1938Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO
17 months
elder brother
20 months
2 years
younger sister
15 months
younger brother
5 months
younger brother
8 years
younger brother
9 months
younger sister
Family with Vinatte (Nettie) Boice - View this family
Mary Etta Evans
Birth: September 24, 1904 40 24Nevada, Vernon Co, MO
Death: June 12, 1955Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO


From Marvin Anderson, 438 SW Albatross Ct, Lee's Summit, MO 64082. 6/22/94

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Marvin Anderson, 438 SW Albatross Ct, Lee's Summit, MO 64082. 6/22/94