Thomas Lee GannAge: 63 years1872–1936
- Name
- Thomas Lee Gann
- Given names
- Thomas Lee
- Surname
- Gann
![]() | October 1872 24 18 |
![]() | Jesse Green Gann April 12, 1876 (Age 3 years) |
![]() | Eda Gann January 13, 1878 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Eda Gann August 22, 1878 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Susan F. Gann 1880 (Age 7 years) |
![]() | Conley Cleveland Gann June 6, 1883 (Age 10 years) |
![]() | Susannah Margaret Green March 6, 1884 (Age 11 years) |
![]() | Oliver Clark Gann December 29, 1885 (Age 13 years) |
![]() #1 | Lillian Annette Gann May 1900 (Age 27 years) |
![]() | Benjamin Franklin Gann September 29, 1906 (Age 33 years) |
![]() | Susan F. Gann 1909 (Age 36 years) |
![]() | Ruth Amanda Gann February 1, 1914 (Age 41 years) |
![]() | Lillian Annette Gann September 5, 1936 (on the date of death) |
![]() | 11 |
![]() | September 5, 1936 (Age 63 years) |
![]() | October 2, 2001 (65 years after death) |
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Family with parents |
father |
Benjamin Franklin Gann Birth: 1848 49 43 Death: September 29, 1906 — Lafayette Co., MO |
mother |
Ruth Amanda Gann Birth: September 1, 1854 48 34 — Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO Death: February 1, 1914 — Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO |
Marriage: September 12, 1869 — Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO |
3 years himself |
Thomas Lee Gann Birth: October 1872 24 18 Death: September 5, 1936 — Lafayette Co, MO |
4 years younger brother |
Jesse Green Gann Birth: April 12, 1876 28 21 — Odessa, Lafayette Co., MO Death: October 1, 1948 |
21 months younger sister |
Eda Gann Birth: January 13, 1878 30 23 Death: August 22, 1878 |
3 years younger sister |
Susan F. Gann Birth: 1880 32 25 Death: 1909 |
3 years younger brother |
Conley Cleveland Gann Birth: June 6, 1883 35 28 Death: December 30, 1960 |
Family with Mary Virginia McChesney |
himself |
Thomas Lee Gann Birth: October 1872 24 18 Death: September 5, 1936 — Lafayette Co, MO |
wife | |
daughter |
Lillian Annette Gann Birth: May 1900 27 — Odessa, Lafayette Co, MO Death: September 5, 1936 |
Note | From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96. !Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO, Sept 5, 1936, Page 5. Two Slain in Rage Killing Wife and Father-in-law, Odessa, MO, Man Shoots Himself Fatally. Vivian Eagan, 10, Sees Her Mother and Grandfather Shot Down On the Farm. Climax to Marital Discord. Arthur McElfish Had Been Ordered to Stay Away From Home. Had Beaten Woman. Two slayings and a suicide involving the family of one of the most prominent citizens of Odessa, shocked this Missouri town today. Thomas L. Gann, 65 years old, police judge of Odessa and former mayor, and his daughter, Annette McElfish, 36 years old, were slain today at Mrs. McElfish's home about six miles south of here. Arthur McElfish, 40 years old, fired the double-barreled shotgun which killed father and daughter, and then committed suicide by discharging the gun into his abdomen. Follows Marital Dischord. Dr. E. L. Johnson, Concordia, Lafayette County coroner, said the deaths were murder and suicide. Marital dischord between Mr. and Mrs. McElfish had resulted in a court order from Judge Gann's court about a ruling for him to leave town, and that was the reason for the shooting. The two witnesses to the crime were Vivian Eagan, 10-year old daughter from a previous marriage, and L. T. Alkire, who had taken Gann to the McElfish home to visit his daughter after receiving a phone call from her. Alkire stayed in his truck and Tom Gann walked toward the house. Mr. Alkire got out after the two shots were fired and asked him to put the gun down. Alkire was out of the truck and McElfish told him to get back in the truck, where Vivian had just climed in. He pointed the gun at Vivian and told Alkire to drive away. When Dr. Johnston and Dewey Parrott arrived on the scene they found the body of Mrs. McElfish lying by the roadside. The body of Gann lay in the living room, near the front door. That of McElfish was lying in the same room. Gann had been shot twice, one in the left side from the front and once in the back. The Mother Beaten. Vivian told officers McElfish went to the house late last night and beat her mother. Mrs. McElfish had called her mother at 8 o'clock (today), asking her to send her father out to her home, as she could not get her car started. Gann was not at home but Mrs. McElfish reached him elsewhere. No one knows what she said to him. Mr. and Mrs. McElfish were married about two years ago. They had no children. Mrs. McElfish had petitioned for a divorce and her case was set for Monday. A coroner's inquest will be held Thursday, Dr. Johnson said. Odessa is about 35 miles east of Kansas City on Highway No. 40. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96. !Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO, Sept 5, 1936, Page 5. Two Slain in Rage Killing Wife and Father-in-law, Odessa, MO, Man Shoots Himself Fatally. Vivian Eagan, 10, Sees Her Mother and Grandfather Shot Down On the Farm. Climax to Marital Discord. Arthur McElfish Had Been Ordered to Stay Away From Home. Had Beaten Woman. Two slayings and a suicide involving the family of one of the most prominent citizens of Odessa, shocked this Missouri town today. Thomas L. Gann, 65 years old, police judge of Odessa and former mayor, and his daughter, Annette McElfish, 36 years old, were slain today at Mrs. McElfish's home about six miles south of here. Arthur McElfish, 40 years old, fired the double-barreled shotgun which killed father and daughter, and then committed suicide by discharging the gun into his abdomen. Follows Marital Dischord. Dr. E. L. Johnson, Concordia, Lafayette County coroner, said the deaths were murder and suicide. Marital dischord between Mr. and Mrs. McElfish had resulted in a court order from Judge Gann's court about a ruling for him to leave town, and that was the reason for the shooting. The two witnesses to the crime were Vivian Eagan, 10-year old daughter from a previous marriage, and L. T. Alkire, who had taken Gann to the McElfish home to visit his daughter after receiving a phone call from her. Alkire stayed in his truck and Tom Gann walked toward the house. Mr. Alkire got out after the two shots were fired and asked him to put the gun down. Alkire was out of the truck and McElfish told him to get back in the truck, where Vivian had just climed in. He pointed the gun at Vivian and told Alkire to drive away. When Dr. Johnston and Dewey Parrott arrived on the scene they found the body of Mrs. McElfish lying by the roadside. The body of Gann lay in the living room, near the front door. That of McElfish was lying in the same room. Gann had been shot twice, one in the left side from the front and once in the back. The Mother Beaten. Vivian told officers McElfish went to the house late last night and beat her mother. Mrs. McElfish had called her mother at 8 o'clock (today), asking her to send her father out to her home, as she could not get her car started. Gann was not at home but Mrs. McElfish reached him elsewhere. No one knows what she said to him. Mr. and Mrs. McElfish were married about two years ago. They had no children. Mrs. McElfish had petitioned for a divorce and her case was set for Monday. A coroner's inquest will be held Thursday, Dr. Johnson said. Odessa is about 35 miles east of Kansas City on Highway No. 40. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96. Kansas City Star, Kansas City, MO, Sept 5, 1936, Page 5. Two Slain in Rage Killing Wife and Father-in-law, Odessa, MO, Man Shoots Himself Fatally. Vivian Eagan, 10, Sees Her Mother and Grandfather Shot Down On the Farm. Climax to Marital Discord. Arthur McElfish Had Been Ordered to Stay Away From Home. Had Beaten Woman. Two slayings and a suicide involving the family of one of the most prominent citizens of Odessa, shocked this Missouri town today. Thomas L. Gann, 65 years old, police judge of Odessa and former mayor, and his daughter, Annette McElfish, 36 years old, were slain today at Mrs. McElfish's home about six miles south of here. Arthur McElfish, 40 years old, fired the double-barreled shotgun which killed father and daughter, and then committed suicide by discharging the gun into his abdomen. Follows Marital Dischord. Dr. E. L. Johnson, Concordia, Lafayette County coroner, said the deaths were murder and suicide. Marital dischord between Mr. and Mrs. McElfish had resulted in a court order from Judge Gann's court about a ruling for him to leave town, and that was the reason for the shooting. The two witnesses to the crime were Vivian Eagan, 10-year old daughter from a previous marriage, and L. T. Alkire, who had taken Gann to the McElfish home to visit his daughter after receiving a phone call from her. Alkire stayed in his truck and Tom Gann walked toward the house. Mr. Alkire got out after the two shots were fired and asked him to put the gun down. Alkire was out of the truck and McElfish told him to get back in the truck, where Vivian had just climed in. He pointed the gun at Vivian and told Alkire to drive away. When Dr. Johnston and Dewey Parrott arrived on the scene they found the body of Mrs. McElfish lying by the roadside. The body of Gann lay in the living room, near the front door. That of McElfish was lying in the same room. Gann had been shot twice, one in the left side from the front and once in the back. The Mother Beaten. Vivian told officers McElfish went to the house late last night and beat her mother. Mrs. McElfish had called her mother at 8 o'clock (today), asking her to send her father out to her home, as she could not get her car started. Gann was not at home but Mrs. McElfish reached him elsewhere. No one knows what she said to him. Mr. and Mrs. McElfish were married about two years ago. They had no children. Mrs. McElfish had petitioned for a divorce and her case was set for Monday. A coroner's inquest will be held Thursday, Dr. Johnson said. Odessa is about 35 miles east of Kansas City on Highway No. 40. |