Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Melvin Winton ThompsonAge: 75 years18561931

Melvin Winton Thompson
Given names
Melvin Winton
Birth July 17, 1856
MarriageRebecca Catherine DuckworthView this family
October 26, 1882 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Della Gray Thompson
October 25, 1883 (Age 27 years)

Birth of a son
James M. Thompson
November 5, 1885 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a son
William Oscar Thompson
1888 (Age 31 years)

Marriage of a childJames H. WilsonDella Gray ThompsonView this family
March 9, 1902 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childJames M. ThompsonAnna ArbuckleView this family
October 21, 1906 (Age 50 years)


Death December 5, 1931 (Age 75 years)
Record Change October 2, 2001 (69 years after death)


From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO.

!Married by James Turner, A.B.D Martin, J.P at "my office." Recorded Livingston Co., MO marriage book Volume 5, Page 127.

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From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO.

Married by James Turner, A.B.D Martin, J.P at "my office." Recorded Livingston Co., MO marriage book Volume 5, Page 127.