Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

James Green GannAge: 84 years18581942

James Green Gann
Given names
James Green
Birth August 14, 1858 31 28
Death of a motherSarah A. Winningham
September 30, 1859 (Age 13 months)
Marriage of a parentAbraham GannJane E. BoucherView this family
December 21, 1860 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a half-brotherThomas Jackson Gann
September 14, 1862 (Age 4 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJoshua Isaac Gann
1862 (Age 3 years)
MarriageSerilda RobinsonView this family
September 19, 1880 (Age 22 years)

Birth of a son
Barton Abraham Gann
July 3, 1881 (Age 22 years)
Death of a fatherAbraham Gann
September 25, 1881 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ora Ethel Gann
April 19, 1884 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a daughter
Bertha Jane Gann
July 28, 1886 (Age 27 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Elizabeth Gann
October 19, 1888 (Age 30 years)
Death of a daughterSarah Elizabeth Gann
January 11, 1889 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
William Judson Gann
October 2, 1889 (Age 31 years)
Death of a sisterAgnes Adeline Gann
February 28, 1890 (Age 31 years)
Birth of a daughter
Emma Annice Gann
November 14, 1893 (Age 35 years)
Death of a half-brotherThomas Jackson Gann
September 13, 1895 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Vincent Ray Gann
November 8, 1903 (Age 45 years)
Marriage of a childBarton Abraham GannBertha Mae KnightView this family
October 11, 1905 (Age 47 years)

Death of a daughterEmma Annice Gann
January 14, 1907 (Age 48 years)
Death of a wifeSerilda Robinson
January 31, 1908 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childCharles Elmo JenkinsOra Ethel GannView this family
February 22, 1913 (Age 54 years)

Marriage of a childWilliam Judson GannDella PlaceView this family
1913 (Age 54 years)

Death of a daughterOra Ethel Gann
1918 (Age 59 years)

Marriage of a childVincent Ray GannAlice B. JacksonView this family
about 1934 (Age 75 years)

Death December 4, 1942 (Age 84 years)
Burial December 5, 1942 (1 day after death)
Record Change October 21, 2004 (61 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: May 10, 1846Livingston Co, MO
6 years
elder brother
William J. Gann
Birth: April 5, 1852 25 22Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: August 16, 1852Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
3 years
elder sister
2 years
elder sister
Mary Ann Gann
Birth: February 26, 1857 30 26Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: September 7, 1857Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
18 months
Father’s family with Jane E. Boucher - View this family
Marriage: December 21, 1860Livingston Co, MO
21 months
Family with Serilda Robinson - View this family
Marriage: September 19, 1880
9 months
Barton Abraham Gann
Birth: July 3, 1881 22 24Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: December 23, 1967Benton Harbor, Berrien Co., MI
5 years
Bertha Jane Gann
Birth: July 28, 1886 27 29Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: December 23, 1971Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO
-2 years
5 years
Sarah Elizabeth Gann
Birth: October 19, 1888 30 31Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
Death: January 11, 1889Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
11 months
William Judson Gann
Birth: October 2, 1889 31 32Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
Death: March 1987Gallatin, Daviess Co, MO
4 years
Emma Annice Gann
Birth: November 14, 1893 35 36Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
Death: January 14, 1907Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
10 years
Vincent Ray Gann
Birth: November 8, 1903 45 46Sampsel, Livingston Co, MO
Death: August 24, 1981Sullivan, Franklin Co., MO


From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO. From Helen June Harting, West Bloomfield, MI !Birth date for James Green Gann is from Abraham Gann's Bible pages published in "Lifelines, " Volume 3, page 40, Livingston County Genealogical Society, Livingston County, MO. The reco rds of the Livingston County, Missouri, Genealogical Society show that the Gann family was on e of the early families of Livingston County, MO, which was formed in 1837. It is assumed th at the middle name "Green" is from the relationship to the Green Gann family of Lafayette, Co unty, Missouri. !1860 United States Census for Livingston Co., MO, lists James as living with his father, Abr aham, and shows him as 1 year old. 1870 census lists James as 12 and living with his father , Andrew, and Andrew's second wife, Jane. 1980 census shows James as 21 and in the same hous ehold. 1930 census lists James as 72, a widower, and living in the household of his son, Vin cent in Franklin Co., MO. !A grandson of James Green remembers him this way: "Grandfather James Green was the only gra ndparent living when I was born. . . Grandpa was a very quiet person andliked to work in th e woods. I imagine he cut the logs that were in their log home . . . He liked to sit on th e front porch and read the Bible. He lived mostly with Bertha [his daughter] in Triplett an d Aunt Ethel [another daughter] on the farm north of Sullivan. He traveled between them i n a horse and wagon. He died in Triplett. Serilda [James' wife] was very religious and ha d asthma very bad and it caused her death; she passed away when Uncle Vincent was 4 years old ."

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO. From Helen June Harting, West Bloomfield, MI Birth date for James Green Gann is from Abraham Gann's Bible pages published in "Lifelines," Volume 3, page 40, Livingston County Genealogical Society, Livingston County, MO. The records of the Livingston County, Missouri, Genealogical Society show that the Gann family was one of the early families of Livingston County, MO, which was formed in 1837. It is assumed that the middle name "Green" is from the relationship to the Green Gann family of Lafayette, County, Missouri. 1860 United States Census for Livingston Co., MO, lists James as living with his father, Abraham, and shows him as 1 year old. 1870 census lists James as 12 and living with his father, Andrew, and Andrew's second wife, Jane. 1980 census shows James as 21 and in the same household. 1930 census lists James as 72, a widower, and living in the household of his son, Vincent in Franklin Co., MO. A grandson of James Green remembers him this way: "Grandfather James Green was the only grandparent living when I was born. . . Grandpa was a very quiet person andliked to work in the woods. I imagine he cut the logs that were in their log home . . . He liked to sit on the front porch and read the Bible. He lived mostly with Bertha [his daughter] in Triplett and Aunt Ethel [another daughter] on the farm north of Sullivan. He traveled between them in a horse and wagon. He died in Triplett. Serilda [James' wife] was very religious and had asthma very bad and it caused her death; she passed away when Uncle Vincent was 4 years old."