Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

John Kelly GannAge: 75 years18751950

John Kelly Gann
Given names
John Kelly
Birth January 6, 1875 27 26

Death of a maternal grandmotherSusanna Gann
1876 (Age 11 months)
Birth of a brotherDaniel Abraham Gann
March 15, 1877 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherWilliam Samuel Gann
March 8, 1879 (Age 4 years)
Death of a sisterIda Susan Gann
June 15, 1879 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a brotherJoshua Newton Gann
April 16, 1882 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherThomas Jackson Gann
December 11, 1883 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterFrances Elizabeth (Fanny) Gann
October 3, 1886 (Age 11 years)

Birth of a brotherJames Grover Gann
November 11, 1889 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a sisterMartha Jane Mabell Gann
November 15, 1891 (Age 16 years)

Death of a paternal grandfatherAbraham Gann
about 1894 (Age 18 years)
Death of a brotherThomas Jackson Gann
December 11, 1914 (Age 39 years)
Burial of a brotherThomas Jackson Gann
December 11, 1914 (Age 39 years)
Death of a fatherAndrew Jackson “AJ” Gann
September 1, 1927 (Age 52 years)
Burial of a fatherAndrew Jackson “AJ” Gann
September 3, 1927 (Age 52 years)
Death of a sisterMaryann Adaline Gann
February 5, 1928 (Age 53 years)

Death of a brotherCharles Edward Gann
November 25, 1934 (Age 59 years)
Death of a motherNancy Ann Elizabeth Frazier
November 16, 1936 (Age 61 years)
Death of a brotherJoshua Newton Gann
May 5, 1949 (Age 74 years)

Death September 2, 1950 (Age 75 years)

Record Change October 2, 2001 (51 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: July 23, 1868Livingston Co, MO
11 months
elder sister
19 months
elder brother
23 months
elder sister
2 years
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
20 months
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
Family with Private - View this family
George Andrew Gann + Private - View this family


From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.

!Birth and death from family Bible.

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From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.

!Birth and death from family Bible.

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From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.

Birth and death from family Bible.