Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lydia Lily BoucherAge: 78 years18741952

Lydia Lily Boucher
Given names
Lydia Lily
Birth May 29, 1874 25 19
Birth of a sisterAda Josephine Boucher
August 25, 1876 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherEdd Watson Boucher
December 8, 1878 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a brotherEmery Earnest Boucher
March 6, 1881 (Age 6 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherAbraham Gann
September 25, 1881 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a sisterLula Anna Boucher
April 18, 1883 (Age 8 years)
Birth of a sisterPearl Boucher
February 14, 1885 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterAmanda Jane Boucher
March 9, 1887 (Age 12 years)
Birth of a brotherJohn Abraham Boucher
December 6, 1889 (Age 15 years)

Death of a motherAgnes Adeline Gann
February 28, 1890 (Age 15 years)
Death of a brotherJohn Abraham Boucher
March 6, 1890 (Age 15 years)

MarriageThomas Steven BreezeView this family
May 29, 1890 (Age 16 years)
Death of a fatherThomas English Boucher
March 17, 1922 (Age 47 years)
Death of a husbandThomas Steven Breeze
July 1, 1939 (Age 65 years)
Death of a sisterAda Josephine Boucher
December 16, 1942 (Age 68 years)

Death December 8, 1952 (Age 78 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: January 26, 1873Livingston Co, MO
16 months
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
Edd Watson Boucher
Birth: December 8, 1878 29 23Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: November 5, 1968St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
2 years
younger brother
Emery Earnest Boucher
Birth: March 6, 1881 31 26Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: January 16, 1975Cape Girardeau, CapeGirardeau Co, MO
2 years
younger sister
Lula Anna Boucher
Birth: April 18, 1883 33 28Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: July 10, 1967Lock Springs, Daviess Co, MO
4 years
younger sister
Amanda Jane Boucher
Birth: March 9, 1887 37 32Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: November 17, 1978Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO
3 years
younger brother
-5 years
younger sister
Family with Thomas Steven Breeze - View this family
Thomas Steven Breeze
Birth: February 22, 1856Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: July 1, 1939Lock Springs, Daviess Co, MO
Marriage: May 29, 1890Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO


From obituary in Chillicothe paper:..Lydia Lillie attended the rural Boucher school...The couple lived on a farm near Sampsel until 1938, when they moved to Lock Springs.