Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Lillian Annette GannAge: 36 years19001936

Lillian Annette Gann
Given names
Lillian Annette
Birth May 1900 27
Death of a paternal grandfatherBenjamin Franklin Gann
September 29, 1906 (Age 6 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherRuth Amanda Gann
February 1, 1914 (Age 13 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Lee Gann
September 5, 1936 (on the date of death)
Death September 5, 1936 (Age 36 years)


From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96.

The following from a newspaper clipping: Revenge Plot Ends 3 Lives. Estranged Husband Kills Wife and Father-in-Law. Takes Own Life. Odessa, Mo., Sept. 5 --(UP) A revenge plot which festered in the brain of the plotter for ? months bore fruit Saturday in two murders and a suicide. The murder victims were Police Judge Thomas L. Gann, 65, politically prominent and well-to-do, and his 36-year-old daughter, Mrs. Annette Gann McElfish. The plotter, dead of his own hand, was the judge's one-armed son-in-law, Arthur W. McElfish, 40. Mrs. McElfish's 10-year-old daughter by a former marriage, Vivian, and Leonard Alkire, a truck driver, witnessed the killing which occurred at a farmhouse owned by the judge, where Mrs. McElfish and Vivian lived. McElfish, officers concluded, conceived the desire for revenge against the judge six months ago when Gann virtually banished him from Odessa.

From Nina Graham, Odessa, MO.