Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Isaac Wilson GannAge: 90 years18351925

Isaac Wilson Gann
Given names
Isaac Wilson
Birth 1835 17 17
Birth of a brotherWilliam Henry Gann
1842 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a sisterMargaret Jane Gann
1844 (Age 9 years)

Birth of a brotherElias Newton Gann
April 2, 1845 (Age 10 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherIsaac Gann
August 7, 1846 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna Clark
October 1846 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterRachel Elizabeth Gann
1848 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a brotherAndrew J. Gann
1850 (Age 15 years)

Birth of a sisterSarah Frances Gann
1853 (Age 18 years)

Birth of a sisterMary Ann Gann
February 12, 1855 (Age 20 years)

Birth of a sisterNancy Caroline Gann
1859 (Age 24 years)

MarriageMarietta L. RainsView this family
January 29, 1860 (Age 25 years)

Death of a fatherAndrew Jackson Gann
August 23, 1880 (Age 45 years)
Birth of a son
Leland Gann
July 22, 1882 (Age 47 years)
Birth of a daughter
Delphine Rose Gann
1884 (Age 49 years)

Birth of a daughter
Minnie Gann
1886 (Age 51 years)
Death of a motherRebecca Barker
April 3, 1902 (Age 67 years)
Marriage of a childLeland GannLottie Jane NunnView this family
November 16, 1904 (Age 69 years)
Death of a wifeMarietta L. Rains
February 7, 1913 (Age 78 years)
Death of a brotherElias Newton Gann
December 9, 1923 (Age 88 years)
Death 1925 (Age 90 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 2, 1834Lafayette Co, MO
16 months
8 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
15 months
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
Family with Marietta L. Rains - View this family
Marriage: January 29, 1860
2 years
3 years


From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd St, Odessa, MO 64076-1455 (816)633-4094 4/23/96.

The obituary for Isaac Wilson Gann, known as "Bud," gave this: '46 Pioneer Laid To Rest in Martinez. "Bud Gann," who settled in Contra Costa in 1850, was one of the eight oldest Odd Fellows, and went on to say that he crossed the Plains in a covered wagon back in 1846. He was a spectacular character, who feared neighter God, man nor the devil. He fought his way through the hordes of Indians that menaced the lives of all the hardy ones that attempted the overland passage by the ox train route and fought his way to success after reaching the California wilderness. Settling first in the Moraga Valley, after following mining a few years, he was one of several of the hardy pioneers that were forcibly ejected from the Moraga Grant by Horace W. Carpenter, who later in an Oakland court, when confronted by proof presented by D. M. Delmas, then a rising young attorney of San Jose, admitted that he had obtained fraudulently the ownership of that now beautiful land of homesites of the wealthy of the East Bay Regions. Delmas represented in the case Jesse D. Williams, who died 25 years after Carpenter had started proceedings to oust him from the property and six months before the court rendered a verdict in his favor.