Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Elias Newton GannAge: 78 years18451923

Elias Newton Gann
Given names
Elias Newton
Birth April 2, 1845 27 27
Death of a paternal grandfatherIsaac Gann
August 7, 1846 (Age 16 months)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnna Clark
October 1846 (Age 17 months)
Birth of a sisterRachel Elizabeth Gann
1848 (Age 2 years)

Birth of a brotherAndrew J. Gann
1850 (Age 4 years)

Birth of a sisterSarah Frances Gann
1853 (Age 7 years)

Birth of a sisterMary Ann Gann
February 12, 1855 (Age 9 years)

Birth of a sisterNancy Caroline Gann
1859 (Age 13 years)

MarriageAltha Ann BrownView this family
February 12, 1867 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a son
Henry W. Gann
1868 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Sarah Frances (Sadie) Gann
January 31, 1872 (Age 26 years)
Death of a fatherAndrew Jackson Gann
August 23, 1880 (Age 35 years)
Death of a daughterdau Gann
December 25, 1880 (Age 35 years)

Marriage of a childHenry W. GannKate A. View this family
about 1892 (Age 46 years)
Marriage of a childDenham HackettSarah Frances (Sadie) GannView this family
about 1901 (Age 55 years)

Death of a motherRebecca Barker
April 3, 1902 (Age 57 years)
Death December 9, 1923 (Age 78 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: September 2, 1834Lafayette Co, MO
16 months
elder brother
8 years
elder brother
3 years
elder sister
15 months
4 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
5 years
younger sister
Family with Altha Ann Brown - View this family
Marriage: February 12, 1867
23 months


From Nina Graham, 806 S 3rd, Odessa, MO 64076-1455. 4/13/95 1850 US Census; Name: Elias Gan Residence: Holt county, Holt, Missouri Age: 4 years Calculated Birth Year: 1846 Birthplace: Missouri Film Number: 443609 Digital GS Number: 4200561 Image Number: 00184 Line Number: 27 Dwelling House Number: 283 Family Number: 283 1860 US Census; Elias Gann; Tulare County, California; Ward: Township No 1; Age: 14 years Birthplace: Missouri Family Number: 42 Film Number: 803071 DGS Number: 4211330 Image Number: 00081 NARA Number: M653 Collection: United States Census, 1860 1870 US Census; Elias Gan; Estimated Birth Year: 1846 Gender: Male Age in 1870: 24; Birthplace: Missouri Home in 1870: California, United States Millerton, Fresno County, California; Collection: United States Census, 1870 1900 US Census; Elias N Gann Township 5, Mariposa, California Birth Date: Apr 1846 Birthplace: Missouri Spouse Name: Altha A Gann Spouse Birth Place: Iowa Father Birthplace: Tennessee Mother Birthplace: Missouri Years Married: 33 Estimated Marriage Year: 1867 Number of Children; 8 Number Living Children; 7 Household ID: 242 Reference Number: 80 GSU Film Number: 1240093 Image Number: 00612 1910 US Census; Name: Elias N Gann Birthplace: Missouri Head of Household: Residence: White Rock, Mariposa, California Marital Status: Married Father's Birthplace: Tennessee Mother's Birthplace: Missouri Family Number: 56 Page Number: 6

From Terry Mee, A Tribute to Elias Newton Gann by Mae M. Badella.--This is a tribute to mY great grandfather, Elias Newton Gann. I was only one year old when he died. My grandmother, his oldest daughter, used to talk about her family a lot. She always had happy memories of her life. Elias Gann could not read or write, but he was a success at what he chose to do with his life. He was 22 years old when he married my great grandmother, Altha Ann Brown. She was 16 years old. They had eight children, three boys, five girls. One of the little girls died on Christmas Day 1880. My great grandmother, Altha Ann Brown, was the daughter of Jeremiah Brown, originator of the "Wide Awake Place" near Highway 145 in east Madera County, California. He settled there in 1852. I have his obituary which is a true tribute to this man and it is written much better than anything I could write.

E. N. Gann is called by Death. Elias Newton Gann, pioneer settler and one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Mariposa County died at his home in Mariposa at 1:15 o'clock last Sunday morning, December 9th, from heart trouble. He was in poor health for several years but two weeks ago his condition became grave, and his death was not unexpected. Elias Newton Gann was born in Holt County, Missouri on the 2nd of April 1845 and was at the time of his death 78 years 8 months and 7 days old. In company with his parents and other members of the family, he crossed the plains by ox team in 1851. They settled first in Napa County later coming to Cathay Valley, Mariposa County and finally to White rock, which place has been the home of the deceased ever since. Excepting the brief periods spent at Mariposa Mr. Gann's entire time had been given to stock raising, and this business he followed with great success. During the past few years he had associated himself with his two sons, William and Elias J. in the cattle and farming industry. Mr. Gann was a good man and a man of great moral courage. He was honest, upright and just in all of his business and social dealings, and a true friend of all with whom he came in contact. We doubt if any man held ill will toward Elias Gann at the time of his death and after his many years of business dealing in the county. The deceased is survived by his widow, three sons, William of White Rock, Henry of Oakvale, Elias J. of Mariposa, three daughters, Mrs. Sadie Robinson of Madera, Mrs. E. Day of Merced, Mrs. Ida Turner of LeGrande, also three sisters, Mrs. Rachel Willis, Mrs. Nancy Lauder, Mrs. Sarah Mitchell, one brother J. W. Gann, several granchildren and great grandchildren survive.