Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Roy Elmer GannAge: 66 years18831949

Roy Elmer Gann
Given names
Roy Elmer
Birth November 1, 1883 21 21
Birth of a brotherGrover Thomas Gann
July 10, 1886 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherVictor Otis Gann
January 31, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Death of a fatherThomas Jackson Gann
September 13, 1895 (Age 11 years)
Death of a brotherVictor Otis Gann
February 24, 1896 (Age 12 years)
MarriageBessie BottsView this family
October 6, 1907 (Age 23 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherJane E. Boucher
March 1, 1909 (Age 25 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherJane E. Boucher
April 1, 1909 (Age 25 years)
Death of a motherAmanda B. Jones
March 8, 1934 (Age 50 years)
Death December 27, 1949 (Age 66 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 29, 1882Livingston Co, MO
1 year
Roy Elmer Gann
Birth: November 1, 1883 21 21Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: December 27, 1949Fresno, CA
3 years
younger brother
Grover Thomas Gann
Birth: July 10, 1886 23 24Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: June 3, 1968Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO
9 years
younger brother
Victor Otis Gann
Birth: January 31, 1895 32 32Sampsel Township, Livingston Co, MO
Death: February 24, 1896Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO
Family with Bessie Botts - View this family
Roy Elmer Gann
Birth: November 1, 1883 21 21Sampsel Twp, Livingston Co, MO
Death: December 27, 1949Fresno, CA
Marriage: October 6, 1907Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO


Birth recorded in Livingston County, Mo Birth Records. California Death Certificate No. D49-091170.

Obituary in the Fresno Bee newspaper: Death Notice - Gann: in Fresno, December 27, 1949, Elmer E. Gann, beloved husband of Mrs. Betty Gann of Fresno; brother of Grover T. Gann of Missouri; uncle of Mrs. Lucile Hodgson of San Francisco, Mrs. Thelma Warwick of Fresno and T. E. Griffin of Los Angeles. A native of Missouri, aged 66 years. Funeral services will be conducted in the Yost & Webb Chapel Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. IOOF Lodge No. 186, Fresno, officiating. Cremation in Fresno Cematory.

From June Harting, West Bloomfield, MI Records at the Livingston County Courthouse, Chillicothe, MO show the birth of a son, Elmer, born to Thomas J. and Amanda Gann on October 26, 1883. Birth and Marriage dates are from Abraham Gann's Bible pages published in "Lifelines," Volume 3, No. 2, page 40, Livingston County Genealogical Society, Livingston County, MO. The Bible of Abraham Gann said the marriage was by Rev. B.D. Weeks.