Susan Mahalia (Diance) GannAge: 80 years1879–1960
- Name
- Susan Mahalia (Diance) Gann
- Given names
- Susan Mahalia (Diance)
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Nathan Gann Birth: March 22, 1836 38 24 — Washington Co, TN Death: November 26, 1886 — Hamilton, Hamilton Co, TX |
mother |
Althea Jemima Massingill Birth: August 22, 1844 26 25 — Angelina Co, TX Death: September 30, 1912 — Hamilton, Hamilton Co, TX |
Marriage: September 24, 1865 — Angelina Co, TX |
11 months elder sister |
Julia Gann Birth: August 21, 1866 30 21 — Restless Creek, Comanche Co, TX Death: February 16, 1937 — Fairy, Hamilton Co, TX |
16 months elder brother |
Robert Lycargus (Kirk) Gann Birth: December 12, 1867 31 23 — Restless Creek, Comanche Co, TX Death: Eunice, NM |
3 years elder sister |
Frances M (Fannie) Gann Birth: January 24, 1871 34 26 — Restless Creek, Comanche Co, TX Death: about 1933 — Hamilton, Hamilton Co, TX |
15 months elder brother |
Calvin Martin Gann Birth: April 23, 1872 36 27 — Hamilton Co, TX Death: January 3, 1890 — Hamilton Co, TX |
2 years elder brother |
Charles Clay Gann Birth: August 17, 1874 38 29 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: November 26, 1935 — Hamilton, Hamilton Co, TX |
4 years elder brother |
Nathan Harve (Nath) Gann Birth: September 17, 1878 42 34 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: September 13, 1943 — Lovington, Llano Co, NM |
6 months herself |
Susan Mahalia (Diance) Gann Birth: March 11, 1879 42 34 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: February 25, 1960 |
2 years younger sister |
Charlotte E (Lottie) Gann Birth: July 24, 1881 45 36 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: May 16, 1891 — Hamilton, Hamilton Co, TX |
3 years younger sister |
Elizabeth (Lyde) Gann Birth: August 18, 1884 48 39 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: September 16, 1951 |
Family with Albert Randolph Hoover |
husband |
Albert Randolph Hoover Birth: April 26, 1874 Death: September 28, 1954 |
herself |
Susan Mahalia (Diance) Gann Birth: March 11, 1879 42 34 — Leon River, Hamilton Co, TX Death: February 25, 1960 |
Marriage: December 13, 1895 — |
11 months son |
Elmer Melvin Hoover Birth: November 1, 1896 22 17 Death: June 24, 1984 |
4 years son |
Charles Clyde (Speed) Hoover Birth: March 2, 1901 26 21 Death: May 8, 1979 |
Note | From Bobbie Gann Bishop, Lovington, NM. |