Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

John Isaac MassingillAge: 77 years18821959

John Isaac Massingill
Given names
John Isaac
Birth March 4, 1882 37
Birth of a brotherBenjamin Wiley Massingill
May 4, 1887 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherGeorge Massingill
January 13, 1888 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a brotherSimon Reves Massingill
May 6, 1889 (Age 7 years)
Birth of a brotherJasper Lee Massingill
January 18, 1892 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterSarah Elizabeth Massingill
February 18, 1894 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a brotherCharlie Riley Massingill
October 15, 1896 (Age 14 years)
MarriageClara Mattie BrummettView this family
September 6, 1903 (Age 21 years)
Death of a sisterBelle Massingill
about 1903 (Age 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherIsaac (Ike) Massingill
December 26, 1903 (Age 21 years)
Death of a brotherGeorge Massingill
1919 (Age 36 years)

Death of a fatherJoshua George Massingill
March 1933 (Age 50 years)
Death of a motherCallie Davis
December 2, 1937 (Age 55 years)
Death of a brotherCharlie Riley Massingill
October 20, 1946 (Age 64 years)
Death of a half-brotherJames Meredith A. Massingill
1955 (Age 72 years)

Death of a brotherJasper Lee Massingill
August 16, 1956 (Age 74 years)
Death June 5, 1959 (Age 77 years)
Family with parents - View this family
elder sister
2 years
5 years
younger brother
8 months
younger brother
16 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Harriet Moore - View this family
Marriage: March 15, 1873Angelina Co, TX
16 months
4 years
Family with Clara Mattie Brummett - View this family
Marriage: September 6, 1903Hamilton Co, TX


From Anne Limmer, Deer Park, TX.