Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

Joseph Green GannAge: 66 years18471914

Joseph Green Gann
Given names
Joseph Green
Birth December 24, 1847 45 36
Birth December 24, 1847 45 36
Birth of a brotherAdam Carter Gann
May 5, 1848 (Age 4 months)
Birth of a brotherAdam Carter Gann
May 5, 1848 (Age 4 months)
Birth of a brotherCaleb Winfrey (Doc) Gann
January 7, 1850 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterMary Angeline Gann
April 23, 1852 (Age 4 years)
Birth of a sisterNancy Emmaline Gann
August 3, 1854 (Age 6 years)
Death of a motherMary (Polly) Louise Lemons
July 22, 1861 (Age 13 years)
MarriageMary Jane LyonsView this family
October 6, 1871 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ruth Elizabeth Gann
October 10, 1872 (Age 24 years)

Birth of a daughter
Mary F. (Molly) Gann
October 28, 1874 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a son
William A. Gann
March 10, 1877 (Age 29 years)

Birth of a son
Charles Winfrey Gann
May 24, 1880 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a daughter
Nancy Rose Annabelle Gann
March 23, 1883 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a son
George W. Gann
November 6, 1885 (Age 37 years)

Birth of a son
Harvey Edward Gann
July 30, 1887 (Age 39 years)
Death of a fatherAdam Carter Gann
August 7, 1887 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Laura Sarahphene Gann
April 25, 1891 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a son
John Franklin Gann
July 14, 1894 (Age 46 years)
Marriage of a childJoseph William WhitesideNancy Rose Annabelle GannView this family
1898 (Age 50 years)

Marriage of a childCharles Winfrey GannDella Oretta WillisView this family
1908 (Age 60 years)

Death of a brotherNicholas Briles Gann
August 18, 1908 (Age 60 years)
Marriage of a childGilbert Arthur PhillipsLaura Sarahphene GannView this family
May 11, 1910 (Age 62 years)
Death of a sisterJane Matilda Gann
August 13, 1913 (Age 65 years)
Death January 24, 1914 (Age 66 years)
Record Change July 3, 1999 (85 years after death)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: about 1831TN
15 months
elder sister
5 years
elder brother
15 months
elder sister
22 months
elder brother
16 months
elder brother
3 years
elder brother
19 months
elder brother
2 years
elder brother
3 years
4 months
younger brother
20 months
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Family with Mary Jane Lyons - View this family
Marriage: October 6, 1871Herdswitch, Benton Co, AR
1 year
2 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
21 months
4 years
3 years


From Ruth Wyatt, Duncan, OK.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

From Ruth Wyatt, Duncan, OK.