Joseph Green GannAge: 66 years1847–1914
- Name
- Joseph Green Gann
- Given names
- Joseph Green
- Surname
- Gann
Family with parents |
father |
Adam Carter Gann Birth: about 1802 33 31 — Washington Co, TN Death: August 7, 1887 — Barry Co, MO |
mother |
Mary (Polly) Louise Lemons Birth: about 1811 — TN Death: July 22, 1861 — Barry Co., MO |
Marriage: about 1831 — TN |
15 months elder sister |
Rosanna Elizabeth Gann Birth: April 13, 1832 30 21 — McMinn Co, TN Death: March 7, 1917 — Benton Co, AR |
5 years elder brother |
Thomas Gann Birth: 1836 34 25 — McMinn Co, TN Death: |
15 months elder sister |
Jane Matilda Gann Birth: March 26, 1837 35 26 — McMinn Co, TN Death: August 13, 1913 — Benton Co, AR |
22 months elder brother |
Samuel B. Gann Birth: January 1839 37 28 — TN or MO Death: |
16 months elder brother |
Nicholas Briles Gann Birth: May 15, 1840 38 29 — Johnson Co, MO Death: August 18, 1908 — Gann Ridge, Benton Co, AR |
3 years elder brother |
Daniel L. Gann Birth: about 1842 40 31 Death: |
19 months elder brother |
William McKinnely Gann Birth: August 8, 1843 41 32 — Jackson, Johnson Co, MO Death: January 13, 1929 — Wolf City, Hunt Co, TX |
2 years elder brother |
James K. Gann Birth: 1845 43 34 — Johnson Co, MO Death: |
3 years himself |
Joseph Green Gann Birth: December 24, 1847 45 36 — McMinn Co, TN Death: January 24, 1914 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
4 months younger brother |
Adam Carter Gann Birth: May 5, 1848 46 37 — Johnson Co, MO Death: November 22, 1917 — Roller Ridge, Benton Co, AR |
20 months younger brother |
Caleb Winfrey (Doc) Gann Birth: January 7, 1850 48 39 — Johnson Co, MO Death: April 3, 1938 — Sugar Crk Twp, Barry Co, MO |
2 years younger sister |
Mary Angeline Gann Birth: April 23, 1852 50 41 — Johnson Co, MO Death: June 20, 1924 |
2 years younger sister |
Nancy Emmaline Gann Birth: August 3, 1854 52 43 — Johnson Co, MO Death: August 16, 1934 |
Family with Mary Jane Lyons |
himself |
Joseph Green Gann Birth: December 24, 1847 45 36 — McMinn Co, TN Death: January 24, 1914 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
wife |
Mary Jane Lyons Birth: January 28, 1852 Death: March 25, 1930 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
Marriage: October 6, 1871 — Herdswitch, Benton Co, AR |
1 year daughter |
Ruth Elizabeth Gann Birth: October 10, 1872 24 20 Death: April 28, 1967 — Galena, Cherokee Co, KS |
2 years daughter |
Mary F. (Molly) Gann Birth: October 28, 1874 26 22 — Seligman, Barry Co, MO Death: March 10, 1957 — Shawnee, Pottawatomie Co, OK |
2 years son |
William A. Gann Birth: March 10, 1877 29 25 Death: 1960 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
3 years son |
Charles Winfrey Gann Birth: May 24, 1880 32 28 — Wolf City, Hunt Co, TX Death: December 19, 1970 — Gentry, Benton Co, AR |
3 years daughter |
Nancy Rose Annabelle Gann Birth: March 23, 1883 35 31 Death: August 13, 1978 — Vinita, Craig Co, OK |
3 years son |
George W. Gann Birth: November 6, 1885 37 33 Death: November 28, 1962 — Vinita, Craig Co, OK |
21 months son |
Harvey Edward Gann Birth: July 30, 1887 39 35 — Herd Switch, Benton Co, AR Death: January 9, 1960 — Kansas City, Jackson Co, MO |
4 years daughter |
Laura Sarahphene Gann Birth: April 25, 1891 43 39 — Herd Switch, Benton Co, AR Death: November 2, 1915 — Collinsville, Rogers Co, OK |
3 years son |
John Franklin Gann Birth: July 14, 1894 46 42 — Herd Switch, Benton Co, AR Death: May 1974 — Fresno, CA |
Note | From Ruth Wyatt, Duncan, OK. -- MERGED NOTE ------------ From Ruth Wyatt, Duncan, OK. |