Samuel Gann of Winchester Va Family

William Sanford RobertsAge: 86 years18681955

William Sanford Roberts
Given names
William Sanford
Birth September 4, 1868
MarriageRachael Adeline WalkerView this family
December 28, 1887 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a son
Everett V. Roberts
March 29, 1891 (Age 22 years)
Marriage of a childEverett V. RobertsLeona May FrazierView this family
September 2, 1915 (Age 46 years)

Death 1955 (Age 86 years)

Family with Rachael Adeline Walker - View this family
Marriage: December 28, 1887Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO
3 years
Everett V. Roberts
Birth: March 29, 1891 22 19Sampsel, Livingston Co, MO
Death: August 10, 1971Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO


From Marie Dryden, Chillicothe, MO.

Married by Probate Judge Henry Cowgill. Recorded in Book 6, Page 239. Obituary from Chillicothe newspaper: William S. Roberts was born at Lexington, Mo. Sept. 4, 1868, a son of Thomas and Jennie Harlow Roberts. He moved to Mooresville, Mo. in 1874 and attended school there. He married Rachel Adeline Walker, December 23, 1887 in Chillicothe. He is survived by his wife, three sons; Everett Roberts, Sampsel, Orville Roberts, O'Fallon, Mo. and Leander Roberts, Chillicothe. He was preceded in death by his parents, four children five brothers and two sisters. Burial in Gaunt cemetery, Mooresville, Mo.